May 2, 2010

Gaming Area Revamp

This weekend I decided to organize my gaming area a bit – I’m now sporting dual monitors (which I absolutely LOVE) and I also crossfired two ATI Radeon 4870s which is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I have to admit, the i7 quad core was an amazing purchase, even though I’ve had it for going on two years now. I run it with 8 gigs of ram, and have had very few issues. I’ve also not regretted switching from Nividia to ATI, I burned through so many Nvidia cards, ATI has yet to let me down.

On a semi related note, I picked up Age of Conan for $7 at Best Buy (the box, I realize digital versions of the game have been pretty cheap lately too), and I also picked up Dark Ages of Camelot for $10 (including all expansions). I’ve never played DAoC before, despite the fact that it’s been around forever, and LOTS of people have talked about the game. I’m excited about giving it a try for a month and writing about it over on – I haven’t been very Nomadic lately, which has been nice, but I’m getting restless (as I always do).

I hope everyone else is having an amazing weekend, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself.