This weekend was amazing. It was the sort of weekend that only comes from pure sunshine, great friends, and amazing gaming. First, I want to ramble a little about real life – something that I don’t talk about too often but believe it or not I do have one (teehee). I spent a lot of this weekend browsing my local library books online via their web site, and downloading books to my e-reader. The books have a timer on them, you can ‘borrow’ them for 21 days and then the book will no longer be accessed by the reader. My library here in Ottawa has thousands of books available, and just like the ‘real’ library, you can only have a certain number at a time, and if someone else is reading it you have to wait your turn and add yourself to a waiting list. This feature is just so mind boggling and amazing to me. I borrowed the e-book of The Hobbit since I have never read it, a few R.A. Salvator books, and even a few self help books on Confronting Fear (which turned out to be a horrible book but this isn’t really the place for that). I bought a blanket so I could sit outside and read comfortably, and the weather was just so fantastic. I went to Hogsback falls and took a lot of pictures (which you can see on my ShutterCal calendar at the top right hand side of this site) and did other mundane things like groceries.

Why is this such a big deal to me? Well, for those who may not be aware last year at this time I was incredibly sick, unable to leave my bed. I was in and out of the hospital numerous times, and it was just a really rough year. I couldn’t be happier and feel more blessed that this year is nothing like last year, and that I actually find myself craving the warmth and sunshine. It’s been a long time since I felt that invigorated.

On to gaming!

Yesterday was a day for achievements in World of Warcraft. I played my shaman and managed to get her to levle 43, which was a lot of fun. Also made a lot of cash in the process. Well, a lot for me in any case. On that same note, thanks to the help of Manos in game I obtained Grand Master cook – which allows me to partake in the daily cooking quests in Dalaran. It was also my first time to the incredible city, thanks to a mage port. I’ve bound myself there since (I had no idea) there are ports that will take you to each major city, much like PoK in EQ. There were people EVERYWHERE, it was really nice to see. Getting to Grand Master cook was pretty cheap, and fun, and I had a great time hunting down recipes. I’m hoping to get fishing there next, and maybe even first aid, we’ll just have to see.

What was everyone else up to this weekend? I hope it was as much fun as mine! Safe travels and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself.

2 thoughts on “Monday Comes Too Soon”
  1. I had a pretty good weekend my self. My highschool graduation was on saturday, so most of my time was consumed by that. I still managed to squeeze some Vanguard into the weekend though.

  2. I’m glad to hear you had a great weekend! I lazed about the house for the whole thing. I was just so happy to not be on the road.

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