May 18, 2010

Lets Talk AddOns

Everyone has their favorite AddOn to use in World of Warcraft, and since I’m still relatively new to the game I don’t really have the faintest idea on which are ‘essential’ to get. So let me start this post off by saying that if you’ve got an addon suggestion for me by allĀ  means leave a comment below so that I can check it out. I play a priest if that makes any difference.

I don’t use too many addons and those I do use don’t really affect the game per say but add to it. I do use recount for my own personal tracking system but it’s not something I ever put into group or brag about to others. I use gearscore but again this is for my own personal knowledge and not because I want to belittle others. I want to improve myself, and these tools allow me to do that. I also use a hotkey mod called dominos just to allow me to cust0mize my UI layout, I like keys in a certain place. For anyone who knows me you’ll know I am a huge fan of lists and keeping track of things both in game and out. Yesterday I installed a mod that allows me to scan my current profession recipes and lists all of the recipes that I do not own, and where they come from. This mod is probably my favorite, and one I’ll end up using the most. I think it’s incredible, and also just a lot of fun. On that same hand I installed fishing buddy, which allows me to track which fish I have obtained, and where they came from. I learned yesterday that fishing is actually a lot more complicated then I would have once thought. It was a refreshing revelation.

Aside from exploring Mana-Tombs for the first time, I also inched my enchanting to 350 – which means I trained for Grand Master enchanting. That’s right, for the first time ever I have enchanting and tailoring at a Grand Master level. I am also fairly close to grand master fishing, although the skill ups are so far and few between it will take a few hours / days to reach the goal. My cooking is already grand master, and I imagine one of these days I’ll work first aid up there just so that I can have all three secondary professions. I love doing daily missions, even though so far I have only found the cooking one in Dalaran. Once I reach level 70 I’ll be able to do other cooking dailies.

I’m still having a lot of fun in game, despite my burn out on EQ2 right now I know I’ll return as soon as that passes. In the mean time, I’m having a lot of fun in WoW, and I’m happy for that. Safe travels, and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself.