May 22, 2010

Perhaps an Orca?

Mining may not be something you particularly enjoy in EVE Online, but for some, it represents exactly what we want to do in game. Sure, it’s a little boring. It’s also quiet, and fairly painless, and doesn’t exactly require a LOT of concentration. Now that I have my hulk (remember I’m a highsec miner) I can set myself to a particular asteroid belt or a location with some ore that Kasul has located, and set myself working without too much hassle. Since I have dual monitors I typically have EVE running in one and whatever else I’m up to in the other monitor. I do have to beware of people looking to ‘suicide gank’ me as it’s called, and be ready to run if I notice anyone suddenly targeting me – but aside from that it’s a very calming and relaxing way to spend my time in game. Not to mention it’s something I can do practically all day long as I work on my main monitor and quietly mine on the second. What exactly am I saving up for? Well of course I have some plans!

My second account is currently finishing off drones V, and then will be working towards using heavy drones. She’s using mediums in the Dominix (which I adore might I add) and then once that is all taken care of and I have it fit as well as I’d like, I decided I’m going to work towards flying an Orca. Whether or not I want to attempt to build one or instead just purchase one I haven’t decided. I do think it will be a great addition to my hulk, and I’m pretty excited about flying one.

It will take me 66 days to train for the Orca, and a lot longer to be able to afford one, and fit one. Compare this to my main account which would be able to fly one in less then a month – it’s mostly due to that mining barge V skill that takes so long to learn. I haven’t quite made up my mind on what I want to train next on my second account, so we’ll just have to see. In the mean time I’m still having an incredible amount of fun, and I surprise myself daily that I’m so interested in a sci fi game when I have never taken any interest in the genre as a whole. I suppose stranger things have happened!

Fly safe!