The time has come. You’re level 10 in adventuring, crafting, and diplomacy – and it’s time to leave the comforts of the Isle of Dawn and head out into the “real” world of Telon. If you’re not used to the incredible size of the land this can be quite daunting. The game does pretty well to lead you to this point and then the hand holding suddenly stops, and players are left thinking ‘what happens next?’

A few changes have occurred to help with the process. First of all the riftway system was changed some time ago to add more rifts, especially to populated areas and quest hubs. This made traveling a lot easier though you will still have to do quite a bit of running, Telon is just that big. Second of all they added a “heroes needed” quest to each rift keeper. These small quests give players a direction to head to each time they level. You’re granted a little coin (enough to use the riftway) and a piece of food that grants a 10% bonus in experience for an hour. The most important part of course is that they point you in a direction for your level.

My Raki paladin (pictured above) headed to the Tomb of Lord Tsang – which is a very popular quest hub for 10-20. It’s on Kojan and it starts out with a solo chain and progresses from there. The Diplomacy Saga also has components there, as well as the Artisan’s Saga. My paladin wasn’t sporting a mount yet, but the very first diplomacy quest I did granted me a young courier horse – much nicer then having to pay for one.

Eventually these quests will change to group quests, as the Tomb of Lord Tsang is an open dungeon where players can quest for some amazing gear (most notably a weapon). There’s also a cloak quest not too far away called the five brothers. Cloaks at lower levels are difficult to get, especially if you didn’t complete the Isle of Dawn. After a handful of orcs fell to my sword the paladin inched her way to level 15. I’m hoping to do a few posts a week about the lower experiences in the game for those who may be new and returning. Since the Isle of Dawn takes care of everything 1-10 with very little trouble I’ll try to focus on places higher then that.

I’ll also be putting together a post of useful Vanguard links, or at least a page or two for this site for people to use. Please let me know if there’s a link you’d like to see added to the page.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself! I’ll see you in Telon.

2 thoughts on “What Happens Next?”
  1. Hi Stargrace, long time reader, first time poster. Your posts about Vanguard, finally made me decide to pick it up a few days ago. I downloaded the trial and I have to say what an incredibly nice game. Despite some bugs, I’m surprised how good it actually is. It’s hard to understand why not more people play this game. I have played through the Isle of Dawn (currently at level 9) and I am almost ready to leave and go check out the rest of the world. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write about all those games and thanks for the tip on the Tomb of Lord Tsang, I am definitely going to check it out. And any other advice you could share would be highly appreciated :)

  2. Thank you for doing these posts! I’m sure I’ll find them helpful, since I tend to get very overwhelmed with the sheer amount of things I can do in VG once I’m off the isle. I end up running all over the world doing a little bit here and a little bit there (along with lots and lots of sight seeing!). I’m mainly focusing on the artisan saga at the moment, and the quests seem to send me all over the place. I’m looking forward to reading your advice and suggestions for navigating through the lowbie experience. And I think I’ll hop my little disciple over to the Tomb of Lord Tsang this weekend!

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