July 2010

I’m on a Boat

I own two boats in Vanguard, one is a sloop, perfect for shallow waters. It’s a dark blue, relatively small. Easy to maneuver once I figured out the commands to get on the ship and steer it. Of course that required me getting stuck IN the boat first. For those unfamiliar, when you approach the boat hit the U (basically the ‘use’ command) button and then once on the ship hit U again to begin steering the ship. In order to drop your boat into some water simply right click on the item in your inventory, while standing close to water. To un-summon the boat, simply click the item in your inventory again. When you drop it you won’t actually see it removed.

The second boat I own is a ship, no doubt about it. It’s a galleon, and it’s HUGE. Pictured above, that’s me sailing (or attempting to) around Aghram, Qalia. Because this ship is so large (I mean it’s really big, it has cabins and everything) it’s harder to maneuver and control. I still haven’t figured out if there is a ‘stop’ command. There probably is. For now stop = running into a dock. Literally.

Ships used to be a lot more ‘important’ in Vanguard before the revamp of the riftway system. Now they’re used mostly for show, boat races, and for fishing if that’s a skill you want to work up. There’s a lot of fun to be had with friends if you host a fishing party on your galleon for an afternoon and head out to the deep seas.  I was actually going to sell my galleon (they’re worth a fair amount) but after sailing it around Qalia I’ve decided to hang onto it.

These ships are built by players, in specific Artificers who have gone down the carpenter line. Each continent has a different style of ship, and they come in different colours. They require a lot of materials to build, and a lot of faction to learn, not to mention time completing quests to learn how to build these ships.

And now, the video that inspired this title.. (clean version)

A Little Diplomacy

Diplomacy is one of the three spheres in Vanguard, and if you’ve played any card games like Legends of Norrath and have a particular fondness for them, you’re really going to enjoy this sphere. When I’m tired of running around Telon killing things and am frustrated (or bored) with crafting, diplomacy is the perfect ‘cool down’ sphere. It allows you to hear some amazing stories, as well as simply relax. Not to mention it hands out some pretty neat rewards.

My blood mage has been sitting at level 10 in diplomacy for years now. When the game first came out there were very few ways to level this sphere, and while there were quests I found them confusing and difficult to obtain because I never had the presence required. Things have changed a little, with the Isle of Dawn granting some amazing diplomacy rewards, as well as the “new” (to me) diplomacy saga. Since I missed out on the Isle of Dawn I didn’t have any of the amazing gear that comes from it (including a charm that levels up as you do) but I was still of a level high enough to begin the saga.

It wasn’t long before I was closing in on level 14, had obtained a mount (which gets upgraded, twice) and had a full set of sparkling new diplomacy gear that is far better then anything I was wearing before. It was a fantastic way to spend a Sunday evening, and I really had a lot of fun. Besides the coin that you can make (it’s not a huge amount) from doing diplomacy, you can affect the world of Telon by moving the city levers through civic diplomacy. You can put up buffs in outposts and cities by moving these levers from your parles, and it’s a great thing to be able to do. Everyone loves it when there are adventure buffs up before they head to raids, not to mention the crafters seem to rejoice when ever anything is put up for them (I know I do at least).

Diplomacy is also a requirement for purchasing a guild plot, although obtaining this requires a LOT of plots and information (little bits of paper that you win from beating parles) it’s still well worth it.

For once I did not spend the night killing mobs, but instead battled with flattery (which is how my diplomacy deck is built). I’m looking forward to exploring the rest of the saga, and seeing how far I can manage to inch my diplomacy levels this time.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, I’ll see you in Telon!

New Beginnings

I love the graphics of Vanguard, and always have. Sure, it can bug some times. There’s a /flush command for when you experience graphic glitches. There’s a /flush all command to re-set all of the graphic engines too when you’re having a lot of bugs. There’s also a /reloadui command, if you’re having UI issues. One of my favorite commands is /setfog 99999   this takes away the murky cloudy look to the game, and gives you nothing but clear skies. Ok, so it may remove some of the atmosphere from the game, being able to see through a dark forest, but it’s still a personal preference.

Last night I joined a new guild. For those who may not be familiar, I’ve been in Safe Haven for almost three years now, and I’ve never been in any other Vanguard guild. The leader, Joodah, is an amazing person and I really respect him. Over the years the goals of the guild has changed some what, and where I used to see a lot of friendly chatter and help for fellow guild mates, has been replaced with a more end game goal. There are cliques (they happen) and a little more complaints about other players then I had the stomach to listen to. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic guild, but the differences between what I want from the game and what they want are two very different things.

I applied to a guild called Impact. Their motto is to help make an impact on new and returning players. They run events such as newbie nights and a yearly faire. Their players make it their goal to help others both in and out of guild. To say I’m excited about this new prospective home is an understatement. I really hope I fit in, and that I make a few friends along the way.

I’m on a 30 day probation period, where I get to know the members and they get to know me. I was on a little late last night, but I still met a few people and got to know my surroundings. We’ll see where it goes from there.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself. I’ll see you in Telon!

Where To Level (10-15)

Just off the island, maybe you’ve gained a few levels and you’re wondering where to go. Well, Telon is HUGE. A few tips. Number one, Qalia and Thestra are far more populated then Kojan. The third continent was never really finished and it lacks content. It’s one of my favorite places so I still hang out there quite a bit. You can level from 1-20 on the content that is there, but it runs out and isn’t nearly as reward heavy as some of the other areas. There is the URT (united races of thestra) quest chain in Thestra, which starts at Veskal’s Exchange (more about that later) and then a slightly higher / better version called Hunter’s League that starts in Qalia.

At level 15 I have a huge selection of zones listed to me by the rift keeper. There is:

  • Blighted Lands – in Kojan, this area gives you the 5 brothers cloak quest, and you spend a lot of time fighting the evil Ulvari.
  • Jalen’s Crossing – never really quested here, but it’s also in Kojan
  • Kaon’s Rush – in Thestra, some great group quests here, this is one of the lower level open dungeons
  • Qa Riverbank – in Qalia, this area is where you begin working on Hunter’s League quests
  • Renton Keep – a fantastic quest hub, URT leads you here, it’s also in Thestra
  • Sundering – never been here, and no idea where it is, but it’s on my list!
  • Temple of Dailuk – never been here either, but temples are always neat
  • Wildgrowth Forest – also in kojan, this leads you towards the eventual Tomb of Lord Tsang quests (group quests)

Each of these locations was marked to me by the rift keeper in game. They’re easy to get to, and each one is a low level quest hub. I of course also highly recommend Veskal’s Exchange. In fact if you’re a new player in Telon there are “newbie nights” that take place in Veskals, one is this Wednesday at 8pm EST. The guild Impact will be handing out buffs, low level gear, and bags (always a must have).

Most hubs do include a fair number of group quests later on in their chains but there’s more then enough solo content. With the recent merges there’s also a high population of mid level characters roaming Telon, and I hear people LFG often. Don’t be afraid to form a group, even if you’re new. Chances are so is everyone else in the group and you just need to explore together.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, I’ll see you in Telon.


Why is it that one of the shortest races in all of Telon (or everywhere for that matter) require one of the most elaborate and over the top homes I have ever seen? Pictured above is Bordinar’s Cleft, the mountain home of the Dwarves. I had to go here to learn my amateur Thestra  crafting style last night. After doing a good amount of crafting my Outfitter (tailor) reached level 18, and is now mid way through. As I’ve mentioned in previous crafting posts, there are three styles, one per continent. To unlock recipes you need to complete a different quest on each continent. For each tier. Yes, it’s quite involved. You also need faction to unlock all of these though you don’t need nearly as much as is required for crafting boat and house parts.

Unlike a lot of games these days, crafting in Vanguard still requires a material or two from a school outside of your own. That is to say if you wish to upgrade a common piece of gear you require one rare (or ultra rare) from within your craft, and one processed rare from outside. For the tailor this happens to be gems from the artificer. Artificers in turn use a number of rares, for stone foci it’s a rare sheet from a blacksmith. That’s why I have three ‘main’ crafters. Although each main class subclasses into two archtypes, each one can craft the basics. I have a blacksmith, outfitter, and artificer in order for them to craft for one another. Granted, my blacksmith and outfitter are not that high of level yet, but they’ll get there eventually.

I was also lucky enough to be out exploring with the blood mage when I stumbled across a named. This was a four dot mob, made for groups. I was two levels higher, but in Vanguard that doesn’t automatically mean you can defeat the encounter. I decided to give it a go. I decided to give up trying to kite the mob or trying to root it (root breaks far too easily) so I tanked it with my cloth healer outright. Much to my surprise, I defeated the named and managed to get my swamp armor shoulders to drop.

If this were the only piece I needed to complete the set I would have been happy, but alas I still require three storm particles which also drop from random three and four dot named in the Deadbogs. I could purchase them from the broker, but at 15g+ a piece, it’s a little out of my range. Still, I’m incredibly happy to have the base, and even happier that I managed to defeat the encounter.

I imagine most of this weekend will be spent working on crafting and diplomacy, as always I tend to hop from alt to alt, never really too certain where I’ll land. If you’re in Vanguard let me know your character name and I’ll be sure you look you up and say hello.

In the mean time, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, I’ll see you in Telon!

Oh, also. Be sure to check out the handy links section I’ve added to the site. Some time early next week I’ll also be adding a page of Vanguard commands for people to make use of. If you have a suggestion for a link please let me know!