August 2, 2010

Enjoying The Bonus Experience

This weekend has been bonus experience weekend and WOW what a great time in Vanguard I’ve had. First of all, the guild is growing quite a bit more then I had thought it would – which is great. For those who are reading and may be interested, the guild is recruiting but you should be aware that we are more of a social gathering place then a guild that actually does anything together. Chatter? Yes, lots of it. But as far as grouping and organizing things, I’ll leave it to other guilds. If that still doesn’t scared you away then by all means feel free to track me down in game and talk about an invite. We don’t bite. Well, most of us.

I managed to inch my shaman to level 18, the bard level 20. Since I haven’t actively been playing the bard in order for her to level (she’s just been off line leveling with the brotherhood) their gear is incredibly poor. Something I’ll need to work on. I also wanted to be able to level the blacksmith, and I got her from 25 to 31 in a few hours. Thankfully Vanguard crafting doesn’t require a whole lot of attention devoted to it, so I watched movies on the laptop while I grinded away at work orders. Level 31 means I begin working on initiate level recipes, something I’ve really been looking forward to. Once the blacksmith hits level 45 or so I’ll switch over to the outfitter and hopefully make my way to 45 on that character. Once all three ‘main’ classes are at 45 they can at least all make parts for one another which means I open up a lot more options as far as crafting rares. I do still have big plans of eventually having all 6 crafting classes at 45+ but whether or not that will actually happen, I’m not sure.

How did everyone else spend their weekend? I hope it was a lot of fun. Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, and I’ll see you in Telon!