5 thoughts on “A Little Eye Candy”
  1. Due to other commitments its not an option to head back to Telon, but I enjoy what you share so much. Watching the storm roll in is such an underplayed cosmetic, and how vast the world is has always made me feel like I was in some Fantasy Novel. Always a pleasure seeing what you are up to.

  2. If there are no quests at Tsang’s for you yet (maybe you’re too small? There should be some that make you kill boars right beside where the riftway drops you off) and then more open up – I’d highly suggest you head to Veskal’s, there are lots of quests there. Yes, use the riftway that you popped out from (if you have infomap these are listed on the map). You just rift over to the portion that says VK (or something like that) they’re also colour coded by level.

    The riftkeeper also gives you all sorts of quests that suggest places for you to go. They’re all obtainable by rift. If that doesn’t interest you, get on the mount and do some exploring. Telon is HUGE, and it doesn’t hold your hand any more. :)

  3. Heyo. Just wanted to ask a question about leveling up. I picked Kojan as my drop-off point from the isle of dawn, and I can’t seem to find quests for me to do at the drop-off point. How do I get to the other regions so I can find more quests? Is that the riftway system I’m supposed to use?

    Also, any tips for me to get around? I got myself that horse thingy from diplomacy, but dunno where to go with it. :)

  4. Your depictions of this game these past few weeks have really been intriguing. I’m getting over my EQ2 enthusiasm and waiting for the next wave of MMO’s to hit, this game looks like something really fun to try out in the meantime and perhaps longer. Maybe start out this weekend…

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