Lately, in EVE Online I have a little bit of everything going on. First of all I closed down my 2nd account. I just couldn’t justify the cost of keeping the second account open when all I was doing was hauling for my main account and the odd mission here and there. Not a big deal – well. In one regard it was sort of a big deal. See, that account was also what I considered my “PvE” account, had trained to fly a Dominix and had a pretty good set of skills towards using drones. My main account has trained industry for the most part. Now I’m trying to catch her up to the 2nd account. I absolutely loved my Dominix, so I’m training to fly one of those again. I’m 2 days away. I’ve also got myself a new imicus fit for probing, so I can begin my wurmhole exploration once more. Soon as I get a cloaking device. Eventually I want to upgrade that to a Helios, but that’s further down the road.

Once I have my Dominix I can go back to a combination of combat and mining missions. I’m far behind in those currently, spending most of my brief time in game working with my R&D agents and crafting. Oh, and PI of course (which I suppose technically is a form of crafting).

I’ve got a fairly constant round of invention going at a little base I’ve set up. At that same base I’m doing manufacturing, and my R&D agents happen to also be in that system. Then there’s PI, which I check in on once a day. I really wish there were some sort of mass extract button, Because right now I have 84 set up and scanning them all one at a time to set their resources is a huge waste of time. The money makes it worth it, but still – annoying!

I’ve really got a little bit of everything going on. With the manufacturing bits finished I make a weekly run to Jita to sell my goods and see if there are any deals that I want to take advantage of (which is where I got the imicus, and the dominix). There are still a lot of skills I need to train up, but I’m trying to make sure I have a good combination of everything. Of course corp is still diligently working away on getting that POS one day too. It feels like a dream just out of reach, we’ll see how it goes.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One thought on “Everything But The Kitchen Sink”
  1. Nice to see an update on your EVE! My corp’s been wardecced, so we’re all “staying safe in null.” I do PI daily, since I’m a designated P4 builder, and I really wish I had an available plasma planet in my alliance’s sovereign systems. I’m very jealous of that one in your screenie.

    I think it’s kinda fun to see your corp is working toward a POS. Mine is working toward a full outpost :D But yeah, in my small hisec corp we talked about setting up a POS, so I know right where you’re at.

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