August 27, 2010

Alts? I’ve Got a Few

It never fails. One character reaches level 70 (warlock) and then I get an itch to play an alt. I’m not sure why this happens, but it does. Last night I spent the evening getting my shaman from 65 to 68 – and it was so much fun. With deadly boss mod encounters are much easier especially for a healer. I find the shaman a little easier to play then the priest, and I’m debating whether or not I want to try to get her to level 80 and continue healing. I know, after I JUST said that I wanted to play my warlock. I’m always so fickle.

I did reach 68, which means again I can start wrath content, and I can fly in Northrend (thanks to the level 80 I already have). So far my duel spec is treating me well. I’ve got a healing spec and I’ve gone down the spell casting spec for damage when I’m out and about soloing. I thought of going down the melee version but I’m really reluctant to have to carry around two sets of gear and weapons. At least with the caster damage I can wear my healing gear.

It’s Friday! I’m off to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and enjoy the sunshine.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.