It never fails. One character reaches level 70 (warlock) and then I get an itch to play an alt. I’m not sure why this happens, but it does. Last night I spent the evening getting my shaman from 65 to 68 – and it was so much fun. With deadly boss mod encounters are much easier especially for a healer. I find the shaman a little easier to play then the priest, and I’m debating whether or not I want to try to get her to level 80 and continue healing. I know, after I JUST said that I wanted to play my warlock. I’m always so fickle.

I did reach 68, which means again I can start wrath content, and I can fly in Northrend (thanks to the level 80 I already have). So far my duel spec is treating me well. I’ve got a healing spec and I’ve gone down the spell casting spec for damage when I’m out and about soloing. I thought of going down the melee version but I’m really reluctant to have to carry around two sets of gear and weapons. At least with the caster damage I can wear my healing gear.

It’s Friday! I’m off to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and enjoy the sunshine.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

One thought on “Alts? I’ve Got a Few”
  1. I always have the itch…I just force myself to play a character, because I enjoy the endgame far more than the leveling. It’s an annoying situation; I get bored of leveling so I want to go and…level an alt. But I resist! It will not beat me!

    On a related note, Shammys are awesome ;) Especially since I totally ignore theorycrafting for my healers (I know it’s silly, but I much prefer to use the stats and spells that I think work best, not what has the highest healing coefficient. It normally beats others as well.) Although I have to say I think they’re going to be a bit for vexing to play come Cata, but I’ve still got my chin up. The same can’t be said of my Pally and DK though :(

    On a side note: do the other games have bosses as complex as WoW? And do you think the game would be a lot harder without DBM?

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