August 31, 2010

Pets – Are they REALLY Worth It?

This post is for Abapad (or as I call him Abba Pad) and Mezzthak. I love you guys, I really do – but we have to talk. You (that’s right, this time it was you not me) almost caused my group to wipe in the wee hours of the morning while I was doing a random dungeon. I’m starting to wonder (after being called all sorts of not-so-pleasant-names) if you’re worth having around.

I have two major issues with warlock pets. Number one, when I jump off of a ledge in a dungeon they decide that the best way to reach me is to run right through an encounter of mobs that we’ve just avoided – thus pulling them right to the group. How helpful (this is where the name calling came into play). This is incredibly annoying because it’s rare that a group takes a straight and flat path through a dungeon. Especially if they’ve been there once or twice. Not to mention there are some zones that just encourage you to drop down.

Unless I install some sort of shock system that reminds me to un-summon my pet every time I look at a ledge, I doubt I’ll avoid wiping my group any time soon.

The other annoyance is that in order to summon my pets (the majority of them at least) I need a soulshard. I keep 32 of these on me pretty constantly. I use them for pets, spells, soulstones, healthstones, etc. Every time I lose a pet, I need another one to call in the reinforcements. Losing pets from dumb things like me jumping off of a ledge – or from me falling down a big dark hole like a few instances have, is frustrating.

The rest of my small list of grievances are pretty typical. I remember to set my pet to passive (just like EQ2) so I don’t go inadvertently pulling something I shouldn’t be, or have my pet run after something I’d rather it not run after. If that one little glitch about jumping after me worked, things would be so much easier. So what do you say, abapad, mezzthak? Can we work something out here..

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!