September 15, 2010

A Time for Alts

Long ago I came to the conclusion that I will never be one of those people who has a ‘main’ or even just one or two characters. No, I will always be one of ‘those’ people who has a whole army of alts, and spend most of my time contemplating the fact that if I spent all my energy focusing on one character instead of the handful that I have well, who knows what wonders I’d have experienced in game. Eventually I go through a phase where I just want to delete all of my alts and concentrate on a main – and then the next day I go and create another alt. It’s still a battle I deal with daily.

In WoW at the moment I have two ‘mains’ and would ideally like more. I have my 80 warlock (who is <this> close to 5k gs and I’m really excited I have to admit) and then the 80 priest who I’ve slowly been trying to gear up. You may recall that I switched my talents around on the priest from holy to discipline and it’s been working out much better for me (more survivability to the group = less healing required). I also changed my warlock spec around to destruction, and learned how to make full use of it.

I’ve got a 70 shaman with a restoration and enhancement build, as well as a 66 death knight, and then two smaller alts, a 34 druid and a 17 paladin. Eventually I’d love to see all of them at 80, but it’s not something I’m rushing towards.

When Cataclysm comes out I’ve also decided I’d really like to try alliance, and will probably make a .. well, who knows. I am in the beta but have refrained from playing the two new races because I’d like to see how the expansion is going to affect my current characters instead. Have to leave some sort of surprise after all!

I hope I’m not the only one out there who has this .. alt habit. I don’t think I am, but one never knows!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!