September 27, 2010


There’s a certain irony in my game play lately. On one hand I’m quite content with my adventures in World of Warcraft which makes for some pretty boring blog posts (there’s no drama after all) and on the other hand it leaves me feeling incredibly disconnected from the small community of bloggers and friends that I’ve ‘met’ on twitter. After all, I’m not playing Civilization V, I’m not exploring FFXIV, I’m not looking forward to the CCP/White Wolf recently announced vampire MMO, I’m not eagerly awaiting any MMO (SW:TOR, Secret World, GW2) or game (DA:2) and I don’t have a strong opinion on any of the drama that may be going on. That’s right, for the first time ever I’m simply enjoying the games I am playing (WoW and Minecraft for the most part).

Who would have thought.