I knew it was foolish when I vowed not to create any more alts. I even deleted a few that I had. Also foolish. Because before even a day had passed I had created not one, or two, but THREE more alts. Recruit-a-friend accounts are dangerous things. Detch has been leveling up his priest which happens to be tied to my account via RAF – not to mention I have my own second account, also RAF. That means until 60 so long as I’m grouped with one of the accounts and within a 5 level range, I get 300% bonus to kills and quests. This is a HUGE deal especially with quests.

In order to make sure Detch received some of this bonus, I created a new rogue. She’s now level 37, almost the same level as my druid. With the ‘free’ levels that the RAF accounts are able to grant to the veteran account, I created a paladin. Leveling through older content involves a lot of dungeon grinding, and it’s been a lot of fun.

Maybe it’s slightly boring, but that’s what I’ve been up to!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

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