October 17, 2010

My Biggest EQ2 Mystery

I know, it’s been a really long time since I logged into EQ2, and it shows. There are a few reasons for that. Number one I have been incredibly unsatisfied with the new “EQ2X” idea. I think the pricing plan is horrid, and that it does nothing to populate the already-somewhat lacking servers that are in desperate need of a boost. Not including Antonia Bayle where the population thrives. Before or around the grand reveal of EQ2X a bunch of my friends stopped playing for whatever personal reasons. This left me with even less of a reason to log in. For the past few months I’ve barely played and it’s actually been refreshing.

When Gu58 went live I logged in all of my characters just to make sure things were in order, and I came across the letter posted to the left. Now, on first glance this may seem like your typical roleplay letter, nothing unusual. It was addressed to Stargrace on Antonia Bayle, my inquisitor.

Giving that letter a second look one thing may pop out from those who know me well – it is written by Ellithia, who is a character of mine that I moved off of Antonia Bayle and over to Oasis. When I first read the letter (supposedly from my own character) I had to ask myself if I had some how written it myself. A quick search on EQ2 players showed no other Ellithia characters aside from my own that I had moved to Oasis. I can’t even reply to the letter because the character does not exist.

How creepy! Awesome, but creepy.

I don’t have the faintest idea who wrote it, or how long this letter sat in my mailbox before I finally logged in and read it. I don’t know what became of my ‘sister’ but this totally made my day and reminded me that while I may not enjoy the game of EQ2 itself right now – the community? Is by FAR one of the best I’ve ever encountered (second only to that in EverQuest).

After being away from the game for so long I find it difficult to know just how to get back into the swing of things, or if I even want to try. Then there is also the fact that my friends are all off playing their various games now, which leaves me quite sad. We’ll just have to see I suppose.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!