November 2, 2010

A Deluxe Bree-Land Home #LotRO

That’s right, after scrimping, pinching, and saving (I’m so sorry if you were one of the players who saw my characters wandering around in rags these last few weeks as I could not afford any new gear for them) I have purchased a deluxe home in Bree-Land. In the neighbourhood of Lockberth (where there are LOTS of homes still for sale of anyone would like to be my neighbour!) at 4 Garden Street, resides my little hobbit Lysthia and her “sisters” (ie: alts) Ellithia, Velours, and Petites.

While I’m not fond of the “hook” method of decorating that the game uses, I DO really love the way the neighbourhoods look, and there is enough customization for me to feel as though the home is truly “mine” which is important.

Now, back to writing for NaNoWriMo.. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!