November 20, 2010

Can It Be? I Actually Miss Raiding #EQ2

I picked up a pair of new pants for the defiler this week and needed a few more seals in order to purchase a red adornment fr them. I was invited along to clear trash and easy named in Perah’Celsis’ Abominable Laboratory, other wise known as labs. One thing became vividly clear to me. I actually miss raiding. I miss working together in a team of 23 other players to take down a goal that is “larger than life.”

The problem with raiding is that I simply don’t have the time to devote to it. After two hours of doing the same thing, I get bored. I can’t stay up late every night working on an encounter and some nights I simply don’t want to log in at all. As a raider these things are expected of you, because if you don’t show up and do your part you’re letting down 23 other people.

It was a lot of fun none the less. Maybe I’ll get back into raiding sooner or later, but for now, I’ll just have to be content to watch from the sidelines.