December 1, 2010

2010 Gamers Secret Santa Under Way

Wow. What an incredible turn out this year. With over 100 people from all over the world participating, this years Gamers Secret Santa is off to an incredible start. I sent out the emails earlier today, so if you registered and have NOT gotten the email with the address for your recipient PLEASE let me know (email me and be sure to check your trash bin because my emails typically get sent there first.

A few things I learned this year. Number one, we as gamers belong to an exclusive club of inside jokes that most of the world simply wouldn’t get. These make great ideas for Christmas presents. We have such an incredibly awesome community, I can’t phrase it into words. Despite the fact that we are often at one another for having a difference in opinion, when it comes down to it that’s simply passion. Passion for what we believe in, passion for our hobbies. Making sure that passion doesn’t rise to an extent that it hurts someone else is what we all have to be mindful of.

To everyone who signed up and is participating this year, I couldn’t be happier. I wish I could partake myself, but it wouldn’t really be much of a surprise that way. I’m quite content to stand in the background and make sure everything runs as smooth as possible.

On that same note, I am once more offering to do a Christmas Card exchange with anyone who is interested. Simply drop me an email: and we’ll exchange addresses. Last year I received more than 20 cards from old and new gamer friends alike, and it was a lot of fun. I typically tape them up around my desk during the holiday season to remind myself of all I have to be thankful for.

I know I’ve been coating everything in a nice layer of sticky sweet syrup these days but I simply can’t help it. Safe travels, and happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.