January 30, 2011

Godking Weapons and other Musings #EQ2

I barely played the Rift beta this time around. The game releases (at least for pre-orders) in less then a month and I really didn’t want to get any more burnt out than I may already be feeling. I also feel that a lot of the changes lately tone down the ‘unique’ feeling that the game gave me in the first few  betas. That, coupled with the fact that the flood gates were let open for a server stress test and I simply wasn’t in the mood to deal with the masses meant that I spent most of my weekend wandering around more familiar paths.

Pictured above is my character in Maj’Dul (along with billy, her trusty doll) working with Ibeogur on the Godking (also known as the Peacock Club) quest chain. On this particular step I’m required to kill sweepers who each have a key belonging to one of the three factions, court, blades, and truth. After I’ve collected all three I do a little mini instance relating to them all before I can move on to the next step. I really love the quest chain and it was fun to mentor down and avoid the orcs in Maj’Dul as someone else was working on the Hand of Fate which changes the mobs you may encounter in the city.

The weekend was filled with much more then that though. Guild mates and I decided to run around Wailing Caverns and Fallen Gate on newly made characters, earning a handful of levels. I started up a new swashbuckler, named Jacquotte Delahaye. The phrase “back from the dead red” just struck me as too amusing not to use.

There was also a lot of instance running going on which was a refreshing change of pace compared to my usual slack. Guild mates and I ran through Erudian Research Halls (also ERH on Antonia Bayle, it seems like every server has their own short forms), Cella, Conservatory, and one more instance that I can’t recall at the moment.

An interesting thing happened with one of the members in group, a dirge. They rolled need on a dirge master that dropped – and then someone in group called them out for it and asked why they were rolling need, they’ve been mastered for months. The dirge admitted that they had the spell already, but that they always roll need on anything from their class. While I do not appreciate this concept at all – they also told the group that we could random 1000 for the master in question and he would give it up. I just wish it hadn’t of required someone else calling the player out in order for him to have this change of heart.

On that same note, while they were discussing the subject another party member mentioned that they always roll need on all shinies, whether or not they actually need them. Because they do need the coin from broker. I’ve been pretty strict in my ‘I only roll need if I need it’ intentions, and some times I won’t even roll need then. I don’t see this changing any time soon no matter how bad I may WANT the money that comes from winning an item. It just does not sit well with me morally for whatever reason.

I hope everyone else has had a fantastic weekend, no matter where you find yourself. I’m also downloading Magicka right now from Steam, looking forward to giving that a try. Happy gaming!