January 2011

EQ2X and My Rambling #EQ2X #EQ2

Two things were brought to my attention yesterday – and a third today. First of all please understand dear readers that I am not opposed to the LDL to Crushbone move. In fact I support it. I just wish that for those few people who were not keen on losing their role play server (even if they don’t role play much) there was another option. I actually used to play on LDL and moved off of it due to the small population. I think that this move is a good thing.

Second of all – I have never played EQ2X before or experienced the game on that server. It’s a little unfair of me to talk about it as though I am some expert when I’ve never even played it. Last night I created an EQ2X character and was really surprised at just how popular this one server is. There were multiple instances of Halas open (starting zone), people talking in channels, there were 3 different raids going on that I could see for levels 50+ and all of this on a Monday evening. It left me both excited (players are good) and disheartened (wow I wish my server on EQ2 were more like this one).

Thirdly – This comment was left by Green Armadillo:

Incidentally, you can also play EQ2EX just for the housing for free with surprising success. Your expansion accesses carry over from live, so you can get at all the crafted housing stuff. Many of the other furniture items come from world events that are available to a very low level character. Yes, you’ll need to obtain the minimal gold needed to purchase the home, and yes, your bagspace will be limited, but those are relatively small prices to pay for getting the best housing system on the market without paying a dime (regardless of whether you’re doing so to avoid giving SOE any money as a matter of principle).

The more I thought about it the more I liked his idea. The majority of my anger over recent changes has been because I feel it’s unfair to pay $14.99/m + the extra cost of game basics (ie: races). If I’m playing on the EQ2X servers the cost becomes moot since you can technically play for free. Sure, it’s incredibly limiting, but you CAN play. I also already own the expansions so I have that going for me. You can upgrade (a one time cost) for $10 and unlock the broker, a little more cash, and a few other goodies like extra bag and character slots. I lack a steady game with any real housing and I feel as though I am drifting until “the game” comes along to sweep me up. Be it EQ Next, Rift, or some other game like SWTOR. I didn’t feel right paying $14.99/m just to do housing in EQ2 – but I wouldn’t mind paying a lower cost to do housing.

See as soon as someone mentions Free to Play (or Freemium) my opinion of what I “expect” with the base game changes. In a free to play game I’m not expecting all of the races to be available. I don’t expect to be able to adventure in every zone. I expect things to be different than if I were to have a subscription. Maybe I’m cheating things a little bit here by saying Goodbye EQ2, hello EQ2X but I really DO love the housing. It’s just that – only – housing is not enough to keep me in game.

Thinking out loud, maybe I am simply having a hard time breaking free of a game that I’ve played for so long and I just need to go cold turkey. Except I can’t even really do that because my job requires me to at least keep contact and preferably PLAY the game. Oy. Some times I just wish things were different.

Oh Give me a Home, Where the buf– Gnomes, Roam! #EQ #EQ2

Enough posts of doom and gloom – anyone who has followed me for the past 6 years knows that it’s not my typical style of writing, and I really don’t enjoy it. Today I want to talk about one in-game aspects that I absolutely love and wish more games would incorporate – housing.

Out of the games I have played EQ2 and EQ have some of the best player housing. Note that I said of the games I have played because I realize there are a few other older ones that have done it quite well too. I really like the fact that players can “own” a little piece of the game and personalize it; beyond their player characters. Even if you’re not really interested in housing chances are you’ve at least attempted some decor and have a storage space set up. Or gotten a friend to decorate for you.

EQ2 and EQ even take this one step further by allowing you to display trophies that you’ve collected in your battles. Turning weapons into house items that can be mounted on the walls. Trophies of raid encounters that you can display in your guild hall. I don’t like LotRO’s housing as much as I do EQ2 and EQ simply because they don’t really let players be creative. They allow you to “hang” furniture on hooks which are set out in specific locations across the house. Sure, it’s customizable in what you actually put in each spot but don’t expect any unique home creations that way.

Yesterday I felt the housing bug creep up on me. It’s the one thing that I can’t seem to find in any other game I play to such a satisfying degree. Could I play EQ2 JUST for the housing? That seems a little silly to me. I meandered around EQ1 looking at all of the homes that have gone up since House of Thule has been live. Wow. Some amazing creations by some talented players. I saw everything from wedding chapels to garden gnomes to GIANT garden gnomes. Walled in yards, fountains, a lot of wandering house pets, I saw it all.

Couple that player generated content with the books that EQ2 added some time ago and you have yourself one very vibrant role play community. I absolutely love these player written books, I must, since I own over 300 of them written by various authors. We need more of this stuff in our games. That’s what helps separate our Single player RPG’s from the MMO’s and gives them life.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Things Sony Could have done Different #EQ2

I know, by now you’re thinking to yourselves “Stargrace! Stop beating a dead horse!” but it’s not so easy to simply stop writing about something I’m incredibly passionate about. Plus a lot of my friends are still playing the game, so I hear about this subject all of the time. I wanted to name a few things that Sony could have done different to avoid the feedback from the public that they are now receiving.

In regards to the TrueFreeblood race: In order to avoid a huge amount of screaming from the public (but note, this would not eliminate all screaming; because then we wouldn’t be human) all Sony had to do was offer the race for free to everyone without conditions. Release it as a Velious race or a perk before Velious if you want (so the company at least sells a few extra boxes) but allow every player to create one without cost. Now, add all of your vampire goodies to the station market. Sure you won’t make as much money as offering the entire race for $20 early to the masses, but you’ll save yourself a lot of fallout. After all, one of the finer things that must be done is finding a balance between making money and selling things on the marketplace, and keeping players (old and new) happy. As my previous arguments pointed out I do not mind the market, but I feel that a RACE is supposed to come with the very basic $14.99/m that I pay (or an expansion). Froglok. Sarnak. Arasai. Fae. Make us pay for every little cultural extra (animations, appearance weapons, homes, mounts special to the race) but the basics should be included.

In regards to the Lucan D’Lere merger. I thought of, and discussed with Arkenor, a few possibilities for this and none of them will make sony any money which is probably the problem. Lets assume that people from LDL are upset with the news of their merger, because I know at least a few are (Arkenor, Ysharros, G33kg0dd3ss I’m looking at you three in specific). I know a good number are happy to be moving to a higher population server but I’m going to play the side of the role player in this scenario. Number one, Sony said that they could not move LDL players to AB because the population on AB is already far too high. Why not allow those who want to leave AB do so, for free. Lots of people pick a server based on its population. Due to the recent merges, I’d expect those populations to be much higher now then they were before. I also imagine there are a lot of non role play players who would not mind moving to another server. On that same note, why not allow those role players of AB who are tired of the crowds, to move to LDL for free. AND why not open up moving to LDL in general for free. The part that irks me is that although Sony has stated AB is overflowing with players – you can still pay $25 and move there. If the folks from LDL merging are adamant about staying on an RP server (and lets assume that a handful will be) they will be more than happy to pay $25 to move to another RP server instead of losing their ‘culture’ (for lack of a better term). Win-win for Sony.

In regards to the Velious Beta forums fiasco. For those who were unaware, the Velious beta forums were moved from the EQ2players web site, to the EQ2X players web site. Why? Because EQ2X players are unable to view the EQ2 forums without a regular EQ2 subscription. Now this entire time we’ve been hearing that “EQ2X will be completely separate, you won’t even know it’s there!” – except for those people in the Velious beta, because you’ll have to log into your beta forums from the EQ2X forums. Also when you actually play the Velious beta (note – I am NOT in the beta, this is through observation of others playing) it announces on Raptr that you’re playing – you guessed it – EQ2X. I realize this is because it’s using the same servers and what not, but still. For the life of me I can not figure out why EQ2X players need an entire forum to themselves. Why don’t they just have a sub topic in the EQ2 forums like the Bazaar and Vox servers do. Aside from stuff being on sale is there that much different in the basic game play? The mechanics (as far as I’m aware) all work the same for both games except one is Pay to Play and one runs on a subscription. I think Sony created extra work for themselves in fabricating these entirely new forums, and it should not have been done in the first place.

I realize it’s easy for me to say all of this stuff since I am a 3rd party, removed from any of the actual facts and decision making. I know the people at Sony work really hard and I have nothing but admiration for the Developers and the folks in Community Management because I know that a lot of these choices are out of their hands – but – someone really needs to wake up. Time and time again these past few weeks I have seen veteran players state that they no longer know the games they once loved. That things have changed, the company has changed. New direction is good; but not at the cost of your loyal veteran players.

Guest Post and Musings #EQ2 #MMORPG

I was asked if I was interested in doing a guest post over at mmorpg-info.org regarding my decision to leave EQ2. It’s  not often I get asked to do these and I was flattered (plus I’ve been a long fan of the site) so of course I said yes. You can find the article over here: Guest Post. Hopefully with that this unpleasantness of giving up a game is behind me and I will move on to writing about other adventures.

A few notes. Since I’ve posted my goodbye things have changed even more. There is the server merge between Lucan D’Lere and Crushbone, which for those who do not know is the merge of an RP server into a non-RP server. We already saw this when Vanguard merged, and while it doesn’t affect me I do know how disheartening it is for those role players out there. I also think that this choice is better than no choice, or the choice of letting a server completely die.

Then there was the fact that all of the Velious beta forums were moved to the EQ2X forums which means those people who wanted to completely ignore EQ2X would also have to ignore those beta forums and never log in. With this move came a leak of everything that was on those forums, as they were set to public. Not only that but the old forums which resided on the EQ2 (regular) section were actually completely deleted, not transferred over. Players were requested to start their beta posts from scratch, no archives.

My question to that would be – why are there completely separate forums. EQ2X members are not allowed to view the ‘regular’ forums at all. They don’t have access. Players with a paid EQ2 subscription have access to both. This entire us verses them that I feel goes on between EQ2 and EQ2X (enforced by Sony, not the players) is just odd.

In any case, there you have it. Now, lets get back to playing games!

Safe travels.

Lets Make Straw, and Bricks #atitd

Continuing my adventures in ‘A Tale in the Desert’ I finished off the tutorial and then learned that I would have to become a citizen of Egypt. In order to do this I’m required to work on a long list of tasks and complete them all. I think I may be about half way done this list so far, give or take a few tasks. After I learned carpentry and built my wood plane and then built boards I had to learn how to create a brick rack (used for creating bricks). Then I gathered some sand, some mud, and some grass – and I turned that grass into straw by leaving it out to dry. When you click on your character you have a “drop” option, simply drop all the grass, watch it, and it dries into straw. Larger amounts of dropped grass take a longer time to dry. So far everything has been very quick.

After those tasks were done i set out making bricks, they used a combination of straw, mud, and sand. I haven’t learned what I’m to do with those bricks yet but I expect they’ll be a part of a later project.

My next goal was to head to the School of Art and Music and ask them for flax. They handed me 3 seeds and sent me on my way. I found a little area of land close to my other crafting tools and planted them (pictured above) and then weeded them. You have to actually pay attention during the process, or else you won’t see the weeds sprout up. Now I am off to the school of Art and Music to learn how to process this flax, and if my task list is any indication I’ll soon be letting this flax rot in water, and then taking it from the water. Why? I don’t have the faintest idea. Apparently this is some giant process leading towards greater things, but I haven’t bothered to scroll through the list of tasks to see where I eventually end up.

It’s a nice quiet way to spend some game time that doesn’t require me to pick up a weapon (per say) and I’m really enjoying it. Will these types of games ever be my main and only choice? No, probably not. I do appreciate having something different to play. Different in the goals and method of going about things. I still intend to give Wurm Online a try since I have been hearing a lot about it from Massively, if you’re playing or have played either of these games feel free to let me know what you thought in comments.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer