March 2011

Thoughts on House of Thule #EQ

If you believe everything you hear on channels, House of Thule has been met with mixed reviews. Personally I really love this expansion but it’s because of a few key components that not everyone appreciates. Number one after having taken a long  break from the game I found it very easy to get relatively caught up as long as I was level 80+ due to the mote gear vendor. While not everyone returning will know this – there is a vendor in the Feerrott who sells ‘mote gear’ and basically using a new currency (dream motes) will allow you to purchase gear in tiers. Earning reputation will unlock higher levels of mote gear, and this currency (like all currency) can be purchased from players selling in the bazaar. Or you can earn it from doing tasks and missions. Because it’s the current currency, there’s a lot of it for sale and it’s much cheaper to use mote gear for the first little while then it is to purchase gear from the bazaar. Mote gear was a HUGE upgrade over my fabled planar gear and the gossamer stuff I was wearing so I was only too happy to find this vendor.

Spells in HoT level 86+ rank II are actually obtained by means of a quest much like they were in Gates of Discord with rune turn ins. The system has also been improved slightly. Number one you can pick and choose which spells you want to obtain instead of having to get them in order and number two the items used to obtain these spells are all tradeable between players and you can sell them / buy them in the bazaar (while the spells themselves are no trade). Another method of allowing returning players an easier time of catching up. While I am sad to see that spells are not dropping from mobs in this expansion it IS nice to know that I’m not missing any of them (unless I chose to raid and obtain Rk III spells).

The basics of the expansion are quite simple. There are a number of tasks you must do for progression (T1-T4) and in order to request these tasks you’ll have a number of quests to do for a number of NPC. The quests are quite lengthy but incredibly worth it. You earn not only experience and the ability to request the tasks on your own, but there are also trophies that are rewards (as well as achievements) that can be placed in your home and grant extra buffs to players (if you’ve got your trophies running, they use the tribute system). Last night I finished off the series in House of Thule itself, and gained a trophy that allows me to raise my max str. as well as my actual str. While not incredibly useful to my enchanter it’s just one of many trophies and I look forward to obtaining the rest of them. Plus these trophies are house items – and hey who doesn’t love a good house item.

If it were not for the fact that I am a returning player I am not sure if I’d enjoy the expansion as much as I am. Of course the housing would have me transfixed (how could it not) but the progression may be too ‘easy’ if I were on par with everyone else. As it is I have less then 300 aa (lots of players have over 5,000 now) and since I’ve returned I’ve leveled not only my necromancer to 90, but the enchanter to 87, and a boxed bard to 76. On that same note if everything were incredibly difficult I wouldn’t necessarily have stuck around either, so perhaps this is a good compromise. That’s also not saying that everything is easy, it’s certainly not. Tier 4 is incredibly difficult, and a lot of the missions you request have little quirks that make them even harder. Thankfully I’ve been playing with a few friends who make all of this much easier and a LOT more fun.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! I’ll see you in Norrath.

Exploring Thurgadin #EQ2

I really love how the developers of EQ2 have designed Thurgadin. It’s one of my favorite zones in looks alone. I spent a few hours wandering around the city, listening to NPC and viewing the wonders that were hidden in nooks and crannies, and every detail is just done with such care. My coercer has her flying mount now (the only character I have who has finished the quest so far) and getting around quest hubs is much easier. I finished the crafting quests in The Great Divide, and have been working on the ones within Thurgadin. I also took the troubador out for a spin, after being much neglected. I decided to splurge and purchased the two portal weapons off of the broker (having already obtained the belt, all three come from the Guk portal) and then did a few Public Quests with her. I stayed away from SG, people have already proven that it’s the least liked of both, and every two hours I said I was LFR and eventually found myself in a group. I didn’t get any neat weapons or the chest piece or any runes, but I did get myself three pieces of legendary gear with +87 to agi and stam, and the three set bonus also granted me another extra 100 agi. The troubador was wearing level 80 gear from The Shadow Odyssey still, and this new gear was an enormous upgrade.

Since I qualified for the Free Blood race in February I decided just for laughs I’d create one, and purchase the home in case one of these days I wanted to decorate it. I honestly have no idea what the inside looks like yet, I haven’t bothered stepping into one. I’d like to continue working on my carpenter on the Antonia Bayle server, so that will probably be the plan for the next little while.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend – how have you been spending your game time? Let me know in comments below! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself. I’ll see you in New (and Old) Norrath!

Pegasus Feathered Cloak #EQ2

The design of this cloak is absolutely amazing. It’s in two layers, giving it a better movement effect, and the details in the feathers is just fantastic. The cloak itself drops as a semi-rare item from the new portal quests in EQ2, celebrating the 12 year anniversary of EQ1. I ran a few alts through the instance because the cloak is heirloom and can be traded between your account, I was determined to get one.

I also wanted the two scout weapons from the Guk portal – but instead of patiently waiting until I looted one, I decided to purchase them off the broker. If I do manage to loot one while adventuring there on my own time I’ll hang onto it for when the portals are no longer around (the event ends the 30th) and then sell them. It’s not often I splurge on my alts, and it was a massive upgrade to the troubador.

Yesterday also marked my final quest for my flying mount – I did the crafter chain in order to get it, and I’m really glad I did. I picked the Boreal mount, which has some very nice colours on it. My 90 carpenter (84 coercer) is pleased to be able to fly around completing quests much quicker now. I do have many more alts who could use the flying mount, but I’m undecided as to whether or not I want to run them all through the quest chain or just stick with one having completed it for now. Since I’m still spread between two servers it’s a little annoying, I’ve always wanted my characters on one server but alas with friends scattered all over the place that rarely works out in my favour.

I hope everyone is enjoying the 12th anniversary quests. This weekend also marks double vitality for Eq2, and double experience for EQ1, so get your levels while you have the time! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself. I’ll see you in Norrath!


EQ2 Celebrates 12 Years of EQ1 #EQ2 #EQ

Ah, my old nemesis from EQ1 and I can’t even call it my nemesis because I actually never managed to see Quillmane in game in all the times I attempted to. Famous for their pegasus feathered cloak which is used in the magician epic SOE has continued with the humor by spawning angry mages at the end of the EQ2 event. Yesterday I spent some time in EQ2 doing the EQ (confusing eh?) 12th anniversary quests. Mostly because I wanted the awesome house items that go along with it. I really wish EQ had put some house items in game with their anniversary tasks, but alas I’ll just have to be satisfied with augments.

The only instance I really had troubles with was Lavastorm, but I toughed it out playing a shadowknight and coercer together so that I could get the title at the end of the event. Now that I’ve gotten it, it’s simply a matter of farming the pieces I want (Guk for the level 90 gear, and Enchanted lands for the pegasus cloak which just has an incredible graphic). Each instance drops a fabled adornment, a common piece of jewelery, and the chance at the rare drop from that EQ1 encounter. You also get two tokens which can be spent at a special vendor in Antonica. Doing all of the instances once gave me enough tokens for every item that was not a plushie – plus two plushies. I’ve added them to my museum on Antonia Bayle, and I’ve started collecting items for the coercer on Oasis since at this moment I’m still split between both servers.

I also participated in my first public quest yesterday – and it reminded me of public quests  in Rift and Warhammer except for one really important factor. EQ2 is not made for these sort of quests. What I mean is that there are very few spells that land on anyone outside of your group / raid and you won’t always be invited to one despite advertising. This was the case with my warden who landed (literally) on top of the PQ (public quest) in progress. I was not invited to the raid, and I couldn’t heal anyone or do anything but throw a few little nukes at the encounters. My buffs are useless for anyone not in my group and over all the experience was incredibly poor. Thus since my participation was deemed poor, my rewards were poor.

The second time around went much better. My first PQ was the Ring War (I believe that’s what it’s called on Oasis at least) and the second one was SG (not sure what that stands for). SG is the least popular of the two public quests, and I was invited to a raid without issue. Basically you battle hordes of mobs that swarm the raid and there’s an actual strategy to the encounters. We did wipe once, but revive places you right where you need to be, so it was nothing to get back into the fray. I healed for all I was worth, and managed to score a piece of legendary gear. Not that bad I suppose considering we only had one raid worth of people around.

The quests were fun but without the ability to cast heals outside of group I feel that healers really get the short end of the stick on these. I’d like to see a special flag applied while inside the blue marked map that turns your heals into AoE heals – the problem with this is that classes like shaman may see far higher returns in participation because of how their heals work. They are wards, and prevent damage from coming in. In other words a ward gets used up first before a regular heal will land. Based on the damage being done to players I doubt this would be much of an issue in a raid situation, but you never know. Hopefully we see some sort of “join public group” option in the future to make participation easier on players.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! Woohoo for Friday!

Let Me Tell You A Story #SimsMedieval

No one knew how she became Monarch, but there she was. Good, parents eaten by whales – with one fatal flaw that I can’t reveal here because then of course all of her opponents would figure it out and her life as monarch would be over. She ruled kindly – except for that one guy she threw eggs at in the stocks and she released him afterward and apologized. Government pressure, and all.

One day she heard about mysterious fires taking place in the forest just outside the Kingdom. Curious, she went there to find out what was up – and found three peasants burning a large pile of books. When asked why they would do something so foolish (after all, who doesn’t love a good book?) they claimed what was the point! They couldn’t read!

The monarch gasped. Her peasants couldn’t read?! Well this would not do. Not at all. So she decided that the best thing for her to do would be to hire a local teacher, rather then foreign ones. Keeping jobs within the kingdom. The teacher was not that easy to find though. He wanted a duchy in return for teaching and after speaking to her advisory she learned there were no free ones available at the moment – but – if she went and spoke to some bandits and waged a small war she may be able to give that to the teacher and everyone would be happy. The fight was over quickly, she gave the land to the teacher, who in turn told her he needed a primer before he could teach. A trip to the market soon followed. Finally, the new teacher was ready – all he required was that the peasants be lead to the forest and that the queen help teach the first class.

Was that it?

So she lead the three peasants to the forest, and together they and the teacher and her frolicked amongst the trees reading books instead of burning them – and that’s how Lady Stargrace restored literacy to her kingdom.

Above is an example of the very first quest (after the tutorial which I don’t really count) that I encountered in The Sims Medieval which released yesterday. Each step of the quest left me with options on what to do, and I progressed the quest in the way that I wanted. I had any number of options, including forgetting literacy all together, hiring foreign teachers, etc. It was great, and a LOT of fun.

The tutorial to the game is a little dry and gives you a very ‘on rails’ feeling – plus it’s long, and you can’t save during it which bothered me. Your best bet is to finish it as fast as you can and not dawdle until afterward. Then you’re free to do whatever you want – and wow is there a lot to do. Where as with MOST Sims games I’m spending the majority of my time decorating, this game is completely different.

So far I’ve only played the monarch NPC but you get to alternate and do quests with specific other created (or pre-created if you want) characters. I purchased a tavern for my kingdom and created Troubadour Tipa who entertains. I can use that character to complete my entertainment quests if I want. I also built a market, and have a Scopique D’Twitter character who sells wares. I haven’t gotten incredibly far in any of the stories yet or finished off more then the one quest because I’ve been side tracked by the very basic and common Sim things like interacting with every single member of my castle household, and expanding it to allow for a banquette hall for foreign visitors. I think next I’ll be working on the wizard tower, but I haven’t decided.

Learning the controls of the game was a bit different then the regular Sims games as well, and if you were tired of making sure your character went to the bathroom then fear no longer as the only two ‘bars’ you have to watch is hunger and energy. I find it amusing that my Queen is eating everything with her hands – but hey that’s how it was done. She spends a lot of time eating gruel. Gross.

The graphics are absolutely amazing, and I’ll be posting a lot more about this game as I continue playing it. Anyone else enjoying it yet? Let me know in comments! What’s your favorite part so far?

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!