Thanks to the Velious rewards I received my Freeblood race once DoV went live in February. I held off on creating the new character because I really had no interest in yet another alt – not to mention I wasn’t really playing that much EQ2, and when I did play I already had 10 characters to choose from. Of course sooner or later the itch to level something up – This time I decided upon a ranger. I had no idea that Freeblood could be ‘good’ aligned  (as well as evil), but I’m a ranger starting in Halas – a very ‘good’ city. I’m sure the guards never noticed why some of their citizens were a little more pale then others, or why some went missing. Besides, I swear Kameeko (the ‘good’ ranger) had nothing to do with those things. Well. I’m almost convinced. I decided to go all out and also purchased the Freeblood lair when station cash was having a sale – the problem with this purchase is that it’s a one time use tied to the character. Not an issue for the average player perhaps but I’ve been known to delete level 90 characters (bye bye dirge) and re-create all of my characters minus a very small handful that I just can’t part with. This creates an issue for me on a few levels. Did I REALLY want a ranger? Well. I’ve had one before but again she was deleted some time back. I WANT to like the ranger, I just couldn’t create any sort of tie between me and the character, and in order to feel that (for lack of better word) longing, to play one – well. That bond has to be there.

I’ll give it another shot (haha, ranger, shot, see what I did there!) and maybe this time fall in love with the character – as long as she stays in her ‘natural’ state and doesn’t transform into the hideously ugly old lady that every vampire female seems to transform into at the click of a button. It’s gross, trust me.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!



One thought on “A Good (Bad) Freeblood #EQ2”
  1. I removed that “ugly button” from my new Freeblood after the first few minutes of her creation. Tried it once and never again. *shudders* Yuck! I also removed the unarmed appearance weapons so that her super cool bruiser moves wouldn’t be ruined by yucky clawing and screeching.

    I am thinking about getting the Freeblood Lair after the new housing changes come in and I can get all of my housing stuff organized.

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