April 21, 2011

Playing What You Love #VG #Vanguard

It may come as a bit of a surprise, but I don’t actually play games based on their populations. If I enjoy a game I enjoy a game and honestly I spend 80% of the time doing my own thing to begin with. I have other means of social interaction and I value my quiet space. This is one of the reasons that it is so easy for me to fall back into playing Vanguard on a steady basis, especially because there is just so much to do. I don’t begrudge anyone else the game they play and I would expect others to do the same. That being said – Vanguard is NOT dead. There is a very tight community there and yes, it’s quite small but it is active. No, Vanguard isn’t being worked on development wise and players have known this for quite some time now – but honestly, there is so much to do that it doesn’t bug me. When I play Vanguard I just have to keep my mind open to the possibility that the game may not be around next year. Personally, I feel that it will be here for at least 1 year more, but I don’t like to predict any further. I’m playing it because I absolutely love every aspect of it. Adventuring, Crafting, and Diplomacy give me such a sense of achievement. Even though the game has been out years now the graphics and views still sweep me away. I feel that my characters are unique, blood mages are a LOT of fun as are disciples and they’re completely different then shaman and clerics – even though all four I just listed are healers.

Always the nomadic gamer, I spent most of yesterday between EQ and VG (and logged into Rift to claim the free goodies bag while I had the chance). In Vanguard I played my 31 shaman along with a 31 Deathknight that a friend was leveling up. I run a guild there (called, you guessed it) Nomadic Gamers, and I have my personal home in game set as the guild hall. We explored Craigwind Ridge for hours, and managed to ding 32 and most of the way in when we finally turned in all of our quests. Personally I’m really looking forward to moving on to a new area, Qalia was never my favorite continent. I’m trying to get my harvesting caught up with my adventure level but as I learned yesterday two very important vanguard sites have been taking down, vgcrafters and vgtact (diplomacy site) and this left me wandering around trying to search for the zone I was supposed to be in to harvest.

When it comes to gaming, remember. You’re allowed to enjoy whatever game you want, for whatever reasons you want. If you’re not having fun from the moment you log into game until the moment you log out – then why are you playing.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!