August 26, 2011

A Bit of a Rant Concerning GU61 #EQ2

Like every gamer out there, every so often something really makes me frustrated, and what else is this blog for besides sharing my thoughts or at least getting them off of my chest. I apologize that this post won’t be my usual glorious ‘rah rah’ cheerleader version of whatever game I’m playing – but yesterday game update 61 went live and EQ2 and personally speaking it was by far the WORST update in EQ2 history, baring GU13 which was actually quite needed once the anger died down. That’s right, I said it.

To start things off the update was so bad that they have decided to re-unattune all gear (including banked gear this round) and pop off adornments (only on worn gear) and re-set aa specs once more (this time properly) today. That means the hours I spent fixing up my characters yesterday were for naught. In preparation at least I did manage to strip my main characters so that their adornments won’t pop off this time, causing me to search my bags in wonder exclaiming “where the heck did this one go!”

Those were not even some of the main issues. The itemization revamp that went live could have used a few more weeks (or months) of testing. To begin with, all Sentinel’s Fate gear is now better then DoV gear in terms of ‘extra’ stats. Players promptly ran off to one group Toxxulia because her gear was better then what they were wearing. That junky trash loot from Library (specifically a helm that constantly dropped from the first named) has better critical mitigation and ‘blue stats’ then my Ry’Gorr DoV gear. Trakanon loot was changed to legendary. The fabled charm from SF collections, legendary (from fabled), enervated and heritage quests were not revamped yet although they are probably actually used and worn as gear more then anything else that was revamped.

That’s not to say all was doom and gloom. The new crafted items added are quite nice, the new house ranking system works gloriously.

The new dungeons have already had their gear nerfed, and after I watched the discoveries going on last night it was no wonder. I have no idea what the general idea was during the creation of those items but they were better then x4 gear that people had been sporting. It’s gear I would expect to see during the next expansion, and not during the remainder of DoV.

There were other issues, too. Some leather crafted pants had a chain graphic and were worn on the hands. Roundshields (whether intentional or not) are no longer allowed by scouts, but are priest only which means the nice shield I had saved up for my ranger now sports wis and a +dps buff that she can no longer use. Forums were filled with bug reports and issues and I can’t help but feel sorry that this update ever went live. It required a LOT more testing.

Time to get back to my regular cheery posts. In the mean time, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.