September 2, 2011

Exploring Paris (Gasp, A Night off From MMOs) #Sims3

In an odd (for me) decision last night, I had no inclination to log into any MMO and so I decided to play my much neglected Sims 3 game. I own all of the expansions (the latest being Generations) and it’s a game I enjoy despite what personal opinions people may hold about it. Pictured above: my little Sim adventures to Paris, where she uncovers an ancient tomb and is sent to recover some treasures that belong to one Lucas. The tomb was fun, there were many hidden treasures and little nooks and crannies. It was a lot more involved then my previous adventures in Egypt and China, I wondered if there were some patches that caused this or if the adventure had always been ‘better’ then the other two locations. It was my first time adventuring to this location, and I’m looking forward to going back. The hidden treasure I had to recover was a baseball which I gladly returned. Maybe next time Lucas won’t leave his treasures buried under some ancient grounds. Weirdo.

I had almost a one gig patch waiting for me when I started up the game, and I noticed a lot of changes especially in the lifetime category, those little awards you can purchase for points that your Sim accumulates over time (and for completing life time objectives). There were a lot that seemed to boarder cheating in game like fast travel and clones. Those are nice options to have in the game without having to rely on mods, but not choices that I personally will take in my game play. The relaxed atmosphere of this game is something I’ve always come to appreciate (plus the creativity that comes with designing your own home of course). My sim is registered as a self-employed photographer and her life time wish is to own a magnificent gallery with pictures from all over the world. I have made little to no progress on this yet but I’m sure I’ll get there eventually. I had to sell her laptop just to be able to afford the trip to Paris to begin with.

It’s a long weekend here in Canada (and the US) and I hope everyone has a fantastic time. As always, happy gaming! No matter where you find yourself.