Lets Talk Cleric Builds #Rift

I spent most of yesterday cursing the zone Scarlet Gorge. I thought Stonefield was bad, but Scarlet Gorge is much worse for defiant characters. There’s so few quests in this zone over all that there’s no achievement for completing them (to start things off). The best way to get up north (which is all Guardian might I add) and hence to the dungeon located up there, is to go from the zone above and head South. I was lucky enough to get a guild run through Foul Cascade and completed two quests within the zone. I noticed that the defiant zones are all very dark and .. dark. I’m looking forward to trying a guardian counterpart once I hit 50 on the cleric.

I ended up purchasing the Templar PvP soul with the intention of trying it out and perhaps purchasing a fourth soul build some time down the road. I can only put 10 points into it until I hit Rank 2, except I don’t even know what is required to hit rank 2. I matched it with a purifier / justicar mix (most of my points into purifier for aoe heals) and justicer for some survivability. I heal in PvP Warfronts, it’s just what I’m most comfortable doing.I like being able to snare anyone who attacks me, and reflect their damage back at them for a limited time. I’m still not sure if it was worth it to pick up, but it’s neat to try it out.

I also changed my main solo / duo spec quite a bit. I dropped druid, and picked up shaman. I’m now using a justicar (barely, 11 points into this) / shaman (most of my points spent here), sentinel build (I wanted a few single target heals) which is working out VERY well for me. My dps is much higher then it was before and I still have good survivability. I’m very pleased with the changes and hopefully I won’t be regretting them any time soon, hehe.

My third spec is my dungeon spec. I have a sentinel / purifier / warden build with most of my points into sentinel / warden. I’ve had this spec since I created my character and it’s a comfortable (and easy) heal spec without a lot of complications. I have a few group heals at my disposal for when AoE’s hit, but other wise I’m concentrating on single target heals.

I would like to add a fourth soul to the mix, but at 21 plat it will be a little while coming. I have the coin right now (barely) but that would mean not having enough coin to purchase anything else I may need. My crafting is quickly approaching the 200 mark, which means only 100 more to go after that. I’ve been focused on completing quests, so I haven’t ventured into areas above my level yet (in fact most areas are below my level by quite a bit) but I’m not in a rush and I know I’ll get there eventually. Yesterday I finished the puzzle in Scarlet Gorge (pictured above) – it was a lot of fun, and I got a nice upgrade of some gloves (blues) woohoo.

Anyhow, enough rambling for today. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

RIFT 1.2.1 Hot Fix #1 – Patch Notes

* Tier 1 and Tier 2 Expert Dungeons should now more accurately assess if you meet the requirements for a certain role based on your unbuffed stats listed in your character sheet.
*Random Looking For Group Daily Quests will now grant XP upon completion of the dungeon, enjoy!

*Riftblade: Burst spells should now properly proc off of Warrior attack abilities.
*Inquisitor: Sanction Heretic: Ranks 1-9 now properly apply the DoT portion. Truly, seriously.
*Bladedancer: Combat Expertise now increases your hit rating by 5/10/15/20/25. This still works out to be the same percentage bonus as previously and now contributes towards stat requirements for looking for group checks.
*Champion: Cruel Efficiency now increases your hit rating by 5/10/15/20/25. This still works out to be the same percentage bonus as previously and now contributes towards stat requirements for looking for group checks.
*Paladin: Graceful Under Pressure now increases your hit rating by 15/30/45. This still works out to be the same percentage bonus as previously and now contributes towards stat requirements for looking for group checks.

*Necrotic Semblance: This greater planar essence will now properly proc even if you have removed the illusion.
*Guise of Death, Illusion: Ethian Monk, Illusion: Mathosian Vanguard, and Inmate’s Guise no longer work in Warfronts.
* The illusions from Necrotic Rage and Necrotic Semblance will no longer change your characters appearance when in a Warfront.

* Fixed an issue where mining and foraging resources were not despawning after being harvested. No, you weren’t crazy!

*Your stats will now only appear green in your character sheet when modified by a temporary buff or effect.

#RIFT 1.2.1 – Patch Notes

* Cult Saga: Final Epic weapon rewards have been upgraded in power!
* Guild Perk: Planar Protection now consumes only one Planar Charge, only from the caster, and not other group members.
* Brought the Fire Rift Raid difficulty more in line with other Rift Raids.
* Shimmersand: Damage Control: Fixed an occasional bug with the Earth Beacons and this quest not resetting properly.
* Crafting Daily quests will no longer take you above the intended Notoriety rank with the Quarry Rats, Granite Falls, or the Arcane Hand.

* Any item purchased with a special Currency will have a confirmation pop-up on purchase.
* Any item purchased with platinum/gold/silver with an Uncommon rarity or higher will have a confirmation pop-up on purchase.
* You may now sell back items for a full refund under the following circumstances:
– A single item, not a stack of items.
– Within 30 minutes in-game time from purchase (the 30 minute timer stops counting while you are offline)
* Modifying the item with a Rune or temporary effect will cause it to no longer be fully refundable.
* Dyeing the item will cause it to no longer be fully refundable.
* If the item has left your character by mail, trade, or Auction House listing, it will no longer be fully refundable.
* If the item was used to activate a quest or update a quest objective, it will no longer be fully refundable.
* Item tooltips will show a full ‘Return Price’ while still within the refund period. Once the 30 minutes have passed or the item is made ineligible for a full refund, the tooltip will display the normal resale price.
* Items that have been returned for a full refund will not appear in the Buy Back list.

* The following objects can no longer be interacted with while under the effect of Slip Away, Twilight Transcendence, Scatter the Shadows, Defer Death, or Phase Shift:
– Black Garden: The Fang of Regulos
– The Codex: all control points
– Whitefall Steppes: the Sourcestone
– Port Scion: Sourcestone and capture points
* Using Slip Away, Twilight Transcendence, Scatter the Shadows, Defer Death, or Phase Shift while carrying Sourcestone in Whitefall Steppes or The Battle for Port Scion will now cause the sourcestone to drop.
* Respawning in a Warfront now regenerates energy and power more quickly for Rogues and Warriors.
* The Codex: Reduced the amount of time it takes to flip control of a control point.
* The Codex: Increased the maximum match duration to 20 minutes.
* The Battle for Port Scion: The Bridge respawn point now becomes unlocked after the match has been running for one minute. The amount of time it takes to gain control of the respawn point has been halved.
* The Battle for Port Scion: Returning Sourcestone no longer grants a buff to your team members.
* The Battle for Port Scion: Slightly updated the paths that the heroes take when spawned from defeating the Endless boss. They now more regularly assault the southern objective on each side.
* The Codex has been updated with alternate routes out of the spawn areas for both teams. Several sections of the terrain have also been smoothed out to avoid wonky movement.

* Fixed an issue causing Synthesis, Righteous Mandate, and a few other effects to not end properly when their caster logged off.
* Inquisitor: Ritual of Judgment: This once again applies properly to the DoT portion of Sanction Heretic.
* Vindicator: Fixed a couple of issues with the Subdue ability. This was previously only working on three of the Warrior taunts (Incite, Grim Lure, and Spark), and will now properly apply for any taunt used. Subdue can no longer be used against NPCs that are not player pets.

A Night of Crafting (and a little PvP) #Rift

Another busy day in Rift yesterday. As I mentioned in a previous post, crafted gear is really important in Rift but I find the system too simple over all and there for it lowers the value of the gear. So far all crafted gear is better then my equal level adventure quested gear, and better then quite a few dungeon pieces. I even had a pair of blue shoes made that were better then my rare planar boots that I had just purchased (grrr). I have three characters (maybe I’ll add a fourth) and each of them craft. My main (the cleric) is an artificer, and also has mining and foraging. I picked up the quest to add steel to my list of combines yesterday and came across my newest pet peeve. Well, two of them actually. Number one, I have already completed the quest for steel but I keep getting the drop for it. I can’t do anything with it since it’s soulbound and I’ve completed it – but yet the ores keep dropping them. On that same note, the tailor quest keeps dropping from mobs too. I would love it if quests would recognize when you’ve already completed it and stopped dropping and it should not drop for me if I’m not a tailor. I’ve lost track of how many quest starter pieces I’ve deleted.

I got to see my first glimpse of Deepstrike Mines thanks to my other half running me through on his level 50 warrior. I queued along with a friend as heals/dps/tank/support (between the two of us we had everything covered) for approximately two hours and we didn’t even get so much as a nibble. It didn’t matter WHAT we set ourselves as in order to cover the roles of a group, the dungeon just wasn’t going to happen. I wanted to complete the quests before they turned completely gray to me (they were already very green) and so we teamed up and did the dungeon as a duo instead of a full group. I really think the LFDungeon tool needs a LOT of work.

After that was done I was just a bubble shy of 32 so I set out to do some PvP via Warfronts. We lost every single one, and I was the only healer in each of them which means I was ganged up on as soon as any Guardian found out I was the healer. Still, I trudged through each Warfront gleefully, and after a few runs I managed to hit level 32. Pleased with my progress, I’m still making my way through Scarlet Gorge, which is very pretty and seems to have fire rifts at every turn.

I logged back to my crafter characters (one is an apothecary with runebreaking, the other an outfitter) and leveled them each up a few points as well as completed some daily crafting quests. The best part is that those characters are each level 13 and level 8 – and my crafting quests currently send me to Stonefield to turn them in. The first character was lucky enough to get summon via the guild banner, but the 2nd character I decided to walk. She made it without deaths thanks to a few other players running around questing in the early parts of Stonefield (specifically where all those trolls hang out).

Thanks to the other half I also managed to complete the puzzle located in Stonefield which I had never even seen before. It was my first puzzle, and it was a lot of fun – the best part is that it rewarded me with a purple bp that was a major upgrade over what I was wearing. All in all it was a pretty progressive evening, with a lot of fun moments tossed in.

I’ve also built myself a 3rd spec. I mentioned a while back that I was considering this and simply didn’t have the cash to afford a 3rd spec, but I decided now was the time. I’ve now got a single target heal spec for dungeons, an AoE heal spec for Rifts / Raids and I’ve got a dps / tank spec for questing and soloing. They’re taking a little time to get used to but I’m quite happy with my choices. For me it’s not about what’s “best” but what feels “right” for my play style. I spent the better part of an evening testing out different combinations that just didn’t feel right out on the field, so I would tweak them over and over until it felt “right” for me.

Inching my way into the 40’s is a nice experience. I don’t know what I’ll think once I get to 50 and how much there will be for me to do – but we’ll just have to see. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Goodbye Stonefield, Hello Scarlet Gorge #Rift

It’s surprising how fast the levels go when you actually sit down to play Rift – I spent most of my free time yesterday in game, something I haven’t really done since release. I found myself working my way through the quests of Stonefield without too much trouble and before I knew it I had hit level 30 and moved on to the next zone, Scarlet Gorge. No surprise here the zone is red desert like with tall mountains of rock pillars and mining excavations, it looks fantastic. The best part about being in this zone is that while I never once saw a major invasion in Stonefield (and hence never earned any of the shards or stones required for the rare planar gear) I saw a major invasion almost as soon as I entered Scarlet Gorge (granted it WAS prime time US hours, which I don’t typically play) and earned myself two of the blue-type shards. Random note, the icon for the blue shards looks FAR too similar to the purple ones, so when you’re browsing the rare planar merchant it’s difficult to tell which shards you need for which items without actually mousing over the items. I think the blue ones should be given a blue background, instead of the purple one they currently sport.

My crafting is above my adventure level, which is something I’m always happy to see. I can craft up to level 32 items – but I have yet to come across supplies for that tier quite yet, so for now I harvest materials for my daily crafting quests. I’m saving up those artisan tokens for recipes, but I’m not sure if I want to purchase any or just keep saving up until I hit the end levels. So far everything I’ve crafted is far better then my quested rewards – dungeons being the exception along with planar gear and pvp rewards.

The progression is still very linear with some randomness thrown in depending on how you like to play. If you’re in a populated zone you could easily join a raid and bounce around doing nothing but closing Rifts and footholds, and level that way. You could queue for dungeons at the same time, and complete a quest here and there. The problem for me is that if you’re only doing one of these things (or even all three I suppose) it becomes very redundant for alts. I know they’ll have to do the exact same quests that I just completed, and that has put me off playing them. On the other hand they’re also both crafters (I have a mage and scout along with my cleric) and their crafting is far above the levels that they’re adventuring in. It makes doing my crafting dailies quite an adventure as I have to walk from location to location. I try to stick to the roads because being level 7 coming across level 18+ mobs makes for a very painful trip.

When it comes down to it – am I having fun? Yes. I am. I’m excited to be in a new level range, excited that I’m slowly closing the gap between me and my friends, and excited to work on my characters some more. I’ve done a lot of tweaking to my soul specs (I have three now) but I’m going to save those details for another post because I’d like to get into a lot more detail.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!