I Ain’t Afraid of No PUG #WoW #WorldOfWarcraft

I’m interested in seeing how the latest changes to the LFD tool bring about faster queue times (especially for DPS) – I don’t think they actually will, even with an extra incentives. What I personally think will happen is that all of those people who really want to play DPS but are too impatient to wait for groups will suddenly decide they are healers / tanks and queue up, creating larger issues for groups. Issues like not being spec’d properly, and not having the right gear. I see it all the time on my priest; tanks who are wearing no tank gear but only PvP gear, or paladins who want to heal but they’re not wearing any int / spirit gear. I’d rather this not happen but honestly I don’t hold very much faith in it.

I’ve been playing my (now) 33 paladin, who is holy spec’d with a protection off spec. I carry around two complete sets of gear depending on what I think I’ll be doing. I haven’t picked up any glyhps yet because that’s the crafting I’ve decided to pick up and I didn’t want to spend too much cash on it. I have done a lot of pick up groups on all of my characters, every time I play World of Warcraft, and I haven’t had too many horror stories. I mean, I have the usual ones where no one pays attention to the tank and runs around crazy doing their own thing. I’ve met some rude people, and I’ve voted people out (though I myself have not been voted out of a group yet). I refuse to let other people dictate whether or not I will have fun in a game. I’ve also had some wonderful groups where the players were patient and listened, and we had no issues. I typically play a healer in all PUGs, on my discipline spec’d 85 priest or my druid / shaman / paladin who are all also spec’d as healers as their main spec. I have tanked a little on the paladin, but it really depends on my mood, I’ve just never really been one to want to tank in any game it’s certainly not WoW or LFD tool specific.

This is the highest I’ve managed to level a paladin, although I have tried many times in the past. I want to stick it out for once – my one concern is my healing abilities later on when things get difficult. I have no idea if paladins can still measure up or not. I suppose we’ll just have to see!

If you happen to play on Argent Dawn be sure to look me up, I’m typically on Velours (the paladin) or Ellithia (85 priest), Minxes (83 warlock), or a handful of smaller alts. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


WoW Remote Guild Chat (Thoughts) #WoW #WorldofWarcraft

Out of all the game apps out there (Champions, Fallen Earth, EQ2, just to name a few) I think Blizzard has the best grasp on their version. It runs smoother then any of the other apps I’ve tried, and they’re updating it to incorporate new features. Always the nomadic gamer that I am, I decided to re-activate my WoW account for a bit. I’ve never had an issue with the game but I tend to only play any game for 1-3 months and then switch (and switch back). The latest feature to World of Warcraft Remote is guild chat. Right now the feature is free for anyone who has the remote app (you currently don’t have to pay to access your characters, but only to make broker transactions and claim in-game coin etc) eventually it will be added to the $2.99/m price tag that includes the remote auction house. I’ve been pretty impressed with upcoming patches that are going to make looking for a guild easier – and I applaud Blizzard for giving more incentives to group with people from your own server (guild groups) and to entice players to get to know one another and find a good ‘home’ to run dungeons and raids with. I think the fact that their app is easy to use and (gasp) works is a huge deal. I love that you can not only see everyone online, but anyone who is connected through the app (note the green chat icon) as well as whispers. When you’re browsing other app screens a little pop up message will flash at the bottom letting you know that guild chat has updated – even if it’s just with someone new logging in. It gives me one more reason to want to be a part of a group of players – although at the moment finding a group of people in WoW that I can actually stomach for more then one day is a little difficult. I’m hoping that the latest round of updates to the LFGuild window will help this.

I don’t find the price tag all that bad. $2.99 USD on top of my monthly fee so for less then $20 a month I’m getting hours of entertainment. Plus who doesn’t like checking their characters out and broker transactions on the go! Again another reason why I don’t mind paying the $2.99 when a lot of other game apps are free is that it runs as it should. Sure, there have been outages, it happens with anything online these days (PSN anyone?) but for the most part my characters, their sales, and the armory has always been accessible to me. Plus I really love browsing for upgrades and planning what I want to work on obtaining next. There’s also a neat little area for upcoming news, and I just find it a pleasure to use.

I really think more games need to be taking a look at creating these hooks to keep people playing / interested in their games. Not only that but be sure you can release a well developed and clean product. The EQ2 app for comparison was so incredibly filled with bugs and lag that after the first month of using it I stopped. Their servers are often unavailable, and the interface (specifically for receiving and sending tells) is not very intuitive. It also had a record of every single character I had ever created in EQ2 rather then my updated character population list, which made selecting who I wanted to chat on difficult.

Now WoW just needs to add crafting via this remote app. Of course there’s something to be said for still being required to log IN to game for some things *grins*.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Xoom For a Day

When the ipad 2 released I decided to put myself on the waiting list for one (well, ok the other half did, but it counts!) having never owned a tablet before. I do own an ipod touch (3rd Gen) and I’ve used it every single day for about two years now (I got it for a fantastic price on EBay) and we do own an iphone 3GS in the house (I think that’s the name of it, I may be remembering wrong). The point is I’ve got a pretty established Apple account with apps that I’ve purchased (as well as free ones) itunes, etc.

But I’m always interested in the Android market, especially since a lot of my friends on twitter are split between iOS users and Android users. A trip to Best Buy told me they were out of the ipad 2 (surprise) but they had three more Xoom tablets in stock. The other half and I talked back and forth about the benefits to one or the other and in the end we decided that we would REALLY like to use flash on our tablet, so we bought the 32g Xoom.

That same day, we returned it and sheepishly put ourselves back on the mailing list for an ipad. There were a few reasons for this and I wanted to talk about them just in case others are also trying to make these decisions. Number one, yes, flash worked – but on the Xoom tablet it was INCREDIBLY slow. Because it was so slow swiping the screen at all while using flash was next to impossible, you ended up on the next page or were zoomed in too much or too little. The camera was beautiful and the design was sleek, but it’s also very heavy. The android store is not for the faint of heart. In the Apple store at least I know exactly what I’m getting. Browsing is easy, and I can wander through the different apps and at least know what I’m looking at. The android market on the other hand is really not for beginners like myself. I’m sure with persistence I could have found what I wanted in the form of an app but it was incredibly difficult for me and I just got annoyed.

Netflix is a no-go on the Xoom (or any android) at this point in time. We tried a work around or two and none of them worked. This is due to the lack of protection on the android marketplace, Netflix afraid of people stealing material. There’s talk of an app in the future but it could be some time off (later this year) and one of my main reasons for wanting a tablet at all was to watch Netflix. Being in Canada I don’t have a lot of other movie / tv show streaming options so to me personally it was a big deal.

Not only was Netflix a no-go but I couldn’t find apps for a lot of things I had wanted to use. Things I already had apps for from Apple. I realize this is hardly the Xoom’s fault, for example ShutterCal only has an iOS version. It was just one more reason that I wanted to go back to the safety of what I already knew. My frustrations mounted as I tried to get comfortable with the device and after fiddling around with it for a few hours it just wasn’t clicking for me. Back into the box and back to the store.

The ipad gets here May 10th, and yes, I’m excited. Even more so now that I’ve played with my Fathers (he waited in line at the Apple store on release day for 15 hours to get his). My Mom gets hers tomorrow. In some ways, it almost feels like a comparison of WoW vs. Other Games to me. You hate to use it, but you always go back because it’s just so simple and easy.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Bonus XP For the Weekend #VG #Vanguard

It’s double experience from Friday morning (7am PST) until Tuesday morning (same time) – and of course I’ve been in game taking advantage of it. Not only did Hampooj and I finally hit level 34 while questing in Cragwind but I got a few diplomacy levels as well. Once we picked up our new skills we set out for Seawatch Coast, which is just North of Cragwind. We started doing some Bounty Hunter quests, and while it’s not a lot of money (a handful of silver) but it was a lot of experience and I believe I’m about half way through the level now. I’ve almost burned through all of my rest experience, which is something I haven’t done in a very long time.

Pictured above – me working on the diplomacy chain, I’m speaking to the King of New Targonor and he sends me to speak with the Sultan in Aghram. I’m working an investigation for the Sultan, finding out the background and history of someone who works for him. I always love going to his home because he has 12 wives, and there are little fun facts all over the palace if you take the time to look. For example, if you click on the cat you’ll see padding around you’ll be met with a description about how it’s incredibly well taken care of and constantly brushed due to the fact that it’s looked after by 12 women who have a lot of time on their hands. You can speak to each of the wives who will give you their opinion on the fact that the Sultan has 12 wives, some are not as favorable to the idea as the others.

If you happen to stop by in game, be sure to say hello. You can find me in game as Velours (34 shaman), or Stargrace (50 disciple), Arysh (18 warrior), Faydai (47 blood mage) or Minxes (25 bard). As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Playing What You Love #VG #Vanguard

It may come as a bit of a surprise, but I don’t actually play games based on their populations. If I enjoy a game I enjoy a game and honestly I spend 80% of the time doing my own thing to begin with. I have other means of social interaction and I value my quiet space. This is one of the reasons that it is so easy for me to fall back into playing Vanguard on a steady basis, especially because there is just so much to do. I don’t begrudge anyone else the game they play and I would expect others to do the same. That being said – Vanguard is NOT dead. There is a very tight community there and yes, it’s quite small but it is active. No, Vanguard isn’t being worked on development wise and players have known this for quite some time now – but honestly, there is so much to do that it doesn’t bug me. When I play Vanguard I just have to keep my mind open to the possibility that the game may not be around next year. Personally, I feel that it will be here for at least 1 year more, but I don’t like to predict any further. I’m playing it because I absolutely love every aspect of it. Adventuring, Crafting, and Diplomacy give me such a sense of achievement. Even though the game has been out years now the graphics and views still sweep me away. I feel that my characters are unique, blood mages are a LOT of fun as are disciples and they’re completely different then shaman and clerics – even though all four I just listed are healers.

Always the nomadic gamer, I spent most of yesterday between EQ and VG (and logged into Rift to claim the free goodies bag while I had the chance). In Vanguard I played my 31 shaman along with a 31 Deathknight that a friend was leveling up. I run a guild there (called, you guessed it) Nomadic Gamers, and I have my personal home in game set as the guild hall. We explored Craigwind Ridge for hours, and managed to ding 32 and most of the way in when we finally turned in all of our quests. Personally I’m really looking forward to moving on to a new area, Qalia was never my favorite continent. I’m trying to get my harvesting caught up with my adventure level but as I learned yesterday two very important vanguard sites have been taking down, vgcrafters and vgtact (diplomacy site) and this left me wandering around trying to search for the zone I was supposed to be in to harvest.

When it comes to gaming, remember. You’re allowed to enjoy whatever game you want, for whatever reasons you want. If you’re not having fun from the moment you log into game until the moment you log out – then why are you playing.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!