EQ2 Celebrates 12 Years of EQ1 #EQ2 #EQ

Ah, my old nemesis from EQ1 and I can’t even call it my nemesis because I actually never managed to see Quillmane in game in all the times I attempted to. Famous for their pegasus feathered cloak which is used in the magician epic SOE has continued with the humor by spawning angry mages at the end of the EQ2 event. Yesterday I spent some time in EQ2 doing the EQ (confusing eh?) 12th anniversary quests. Mostly because I wanted the awesome house items that go along with it. I really wish EQ had put some house items in game with their anniversary tasks, but alas I’ll just have to be satisfied with augments.

The only instance I really had troubles with was Lavastorm, but I toughed it out playing a shadowknight and coercer together so that I could get the title at the end of the event. Now that I’ve gotten it, it’s simply a matter of farming the pieces I want (Guk for the level 90 gear, and Enchanted lands for the pegasus cloak which just has an incredible graphic). Each instance drops a fabled adornment, a common piece of jewelery, and the chance at the rare drop from that EQ1 encounter. You also get two tokens which can be spent at a special vendor in Antonica. Doing all of the instances once gave me enough tokens for every item that was not a plushie – plus two plushies. I’ve added them to my museum on Antonia Bayle, and I’ve started collecting items for the coercer on Oasis since at this moment I’m still split between both servers.

I also participated in my first public quest yesterday – and it reminded me of public quests  in Rift and Warhammer except for one really important factor. EQ2 is not made for these sort of quests. What I mean is that there are very few spells that land on anyone outside of your group / raid and you won’t always be invited to one despite advertising. This was the case with my warden who landed (literally) on top of the PQ (public quest) in progress. I was not invited to the raid, and I couldn’t heal anyone or do anything but throw a few little nukes at the encounters. My buffs are useless for anyone not in my group and over all the experience was incredibly poor. Thus since my participation was deemed poor, my rewards were poor.

The second time around went much better. My first PQ was the Ring War (I believe that’s what it’s called on Oasis at least) and the second one was SG (not sure what that stands for). SG is the least popular of the two public quests, and I was invited to a raid without issue. Basically you battle hordes of mobs that swarm the raid and there’s an actual strategy to the encounters. We did wipe once, but revive places you right where you need to be, so it was nothing to get back into the fray. I healed for all I was worth, and managed to score a piece of legendary gear. Not that bad I suppose considering we only had one raid worth of people around.

The quests were fun but without the ability to cast heals outside of group I feel that healers really get the short end of the stick on these. I’d like to see a special flag applied while inside the blue marked map that turns your heals into AoE heals – the problem with this is that classes like shaman may see far higher returns in participation because of how their heals work. They are wards, and prevent damage from coming in. In other words a ward gets used up first before a regular heal will land. Based on the damage being done to players I doubt this would be much of an issue in a raid situation, but you never know. Hopefully we see some sort of “join public group” option in the future to make participation easier on players.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! Woohoo for Friday!

Let Me Tell You A Story #SimsMedieval

No one knew how she became Monarch, but there she was. Good, parents eaten by whales – with one fatal flaw that I can’t reveal here because then of course all of her opponents would figure it out and her life as monarch would be over. She ruled kindly – except for that one guy she threw eggs at in the stocks and she released him afterward and apologized. Government pressure, and all.

One day she heard about mysterious fires taking place in the forest just outside the Kingdom. Curious, she went there to find out what was up – and found three peasants burning a large pile of books. When asked why they would do something so foolish (after all, who doesn’t love a good book?) they claimed what was the point! They couldn’t read!

The monarch gasped. Her peasants couldn’t read?! Well this would not do. Not at all. So she decided that the best thing for her to do would be to hire a local teacher, rather then foreign ones. Keeping jobs within the kingdom. The teacher was not that easy to find though. He wanted a duchy in return for teaching and after speaking to her advisory she learned there were no free ones available at the moment – but – if she went and spoke to some bandits and waged a small war she may be able to give that to the teacher and everyone would be happy. The fight was over quickly, she gave the land to the teacher, who in turn told her he needed a primer before he could teach. A trip to the market soon followed. Finally, the new teacher was ready – all he required was that the peasants be lead to the forest and that the queen help teach the first class.

Was that it?

So she lead the three peasants to the forest, and together they and the teacher and her frolicked amongst the trees reading books instead of burning them – and that’s how Lady Stargrace restored literacy to her kingdom.

Above is an example of the very first quest (after the tutorial which I don’t really count) that I encountered in The Sims Medieval which released yesterday. Each step of the quest left me with options on what to do, and I progressed the quest in the way that I wanted. I had any number of options, including forgetting literacy all together, hiring foreign teachers, etc. It was great, and a LOT of fun.

The tutorial to the game is a little dry and gives you a very ‘on rails’ feeling – plus it’s long, and you can’t save during it which bothered me. Your best bet is to finish it as fast as you can and not dawdle until afterward. Then you’re free to do whatever you want – and wow is there a lot to do. Where as with MOST Sims games I’m spending the majority of my time decorating, this game is completely different.

So far I’ve only played the monarch NPC but you get to alternate and do quests with specific other created (or pre-created if you want) characters. I purchased a tavern for my kingdom and created Troubadour Tipa who entertains. I can use that character to complete my entertainment quests if I want. I also built a market, and have a Scopique D’Twitter character who sells wares. I haven’t gotten incredibly far in any of the stories yet or finished off more then the one quest because I’ve been side tracked by the very basic and common Sim things like interacting with every single member of my castle household, and expanding it to allow for a banquette hall for foreign visitors. I think next I’ll be working on the wizard tower, but I haven’t decided.

Learning the controls of the game was a bit different then the regular Sims games as well, and if you were tired of making sure your character went to the bathroom then fear no longer as the only two ‘bars’ you have to watch is hunger and energy. I find it amusing that my Queen is eating everything with her hands – but hey that’s how it was done. She spends a lot of time eating gruel. Gross.

The graphics are absolutely amazing, and I’ll be posting a lot more about this game as I continue playing it. Anyone else enjoying it yet? Let me know in comments! What’s your favorite part so far?

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Question About A Gaming Scenario #MMORPG

I wanted to hear peoples thoughts on this scenario – so if you have any ideas to share on it, let me know please!

You’re in the game of your choice. You hear someone advertising on channels that they’re buying a 30 day game card and paying the current in game currency for it. Obviously this person doesn’t have the means to purchase the card themselves, for whatever reason. The reason doesn’t really matter. Someone offers to purchase the game card for them via a legit method (ie: directly from the company themselves, a store, or a reputable web site that sells game cards, there are a lot of them out there). The in game currency they receive for purchasing the game card for the person has not been purchased or acquired through unconventional means (ie: they’ve earned it themselves just fine).

Sounds a little like EVE Online’s method of selling pilot licenses, right? Except that not all games have an in-game item that represents a 30 day time code. Do readers feel that this exchange of goods is an acceptable transaction, or is it cheating some how? Does it break a rule of trading real life money for in-game currency even though you’re trading a time card for in game currency?

From my own perspective – since the game card as well as the in game currency are both obtained through legit means, I consider it player B being helped by player A who can’t afford a time card. Of course that’s not really taking into account the question of whether or not you should be playing video games that you can’t really afford to be playing. I’m just wondering how everyone else sees this issue, since lets face it, it’s rare that our views are all the same.

Let me know in comments!

Decisions Decisions Decisions #EQ

Alts always seem to cause me the most joy and the most grief in every game I play. I enjoy working on them, but every second I play an alt is a second I’m not playing my main – whoever that is at the time. My main rises and falls as often as the sun or moon and it took me a long time to come to grips with the fact that it’s simply how I have decided to game. I used to get upset with myself for being ‘behind’ the curve and the conversation of “if I had only focused on one character” comes up more often then I’d like to admit.

The dilemma: I love my necromancer, but she’s a fairly new character in creation. I moved from Luclin to Drinal to play with friends and had no characters there so she was created. While I love the character because she is more ‘uber’ then my others I also the shortest history with her. She is well geared, has her epic 2.0, over 300 aa (finally), 300 tailor, etc. My old main used to be my enchanter who I have huge history with. However she’s well behind the times in almost every aspect. I did spend a bunch of time yesterday updating her gear and she no longer sucks quite as much as before, but she was mid-way through her 1.0 and while she does have 300 in jewel crafting, she has only reached 200 in the rest of the crafts. The other problem is that enchanters sort of suck, game wise. In fact they are so rare and perhaps so un-needed that their levle 76 aura is actually an xp bonus (I kid you not) for anyone who groups with them. 5% for rank 1, 7% for rank II and 9% for rank III.

What’s a girl to do? Stick with the better geared-well-created character or attempt to make up for years of neglect on the character with history. Something tells me I may be giving this scenario too much thought.

The dilemma: I have two active EQ accounts and I’d REALLY like to box more consistently, but during my last phase of playing I moved all of the characters from account B over to account A thinking I either 1. wouldn’t be playing any more or 2. wouldn’t be boxing any more. I regret the decision now but what’s done is done and I don’t want to pay $25 to move the characters back. So my only option is to start over on my 2nd account with fresh characters. What to create is always an issue for me. I THINK I have settled on a druid – the same druid that I moved off of the account initially. Providing nice backup heals, transportation, and group buffs I think that the druid would be a great match no matter who I am playing off of my main account. However. I also have a 50 bard that I wouldn’t mind playing, a little more difficult to box with the selection of casters from my main account but not impossible. Offering fantastic methods to pull and great group buffs. Argh the choices!

The dilemma: Housing! How could I have a complex choice to make in housing? Well this one is quite simple. I just am not sure what sort of house I want to design. Do I want to build from scratch like some of the other creations out there I have seen or should I stick with the simple “this is a house, this is a yard” feature that any player can create by default. From the start I wanted to re-create my EQ2 Norrathian Museum – however, a LOT of items within EQ are simply not able to be placed even though they may be ancient relics of days gone by. The point to my museum is of course to show off objects that perhaps not everyone has seen or collects. In EQ this includes every single weapon in game, but not a lot of other bits. I don’t really want a museum filled with weapons.

There you have it, my decisions of this morning. Have any suggestions? Feel free to let me know!

Be sure to check out Scarybooster’s blog this week (well, all the time actually, it’s a great read) for DAW: Developer Appreciation Week. Or, why not do one better and participate in the event and show your love for game developers. With so much negativity floating around the gaming community it’s always a refreshing break to show a little love.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, I’ll see you in Norrath!

Dragons, Dragons, Dragons #EQ

Two years ago for the 10th anniversary Sony came out with the mission “Dragons, Dragons, Dragons” which sent you through instanced versions of Norrath zones to defeat the dragon population one at a time. Each one of these dragons is a raid encounter, and there are 20 of them in total to defeat. Each year of the anniversary Sony brings back these quests for players to attempt – and this year was my first year being able to participate. The rewards are two different augments. One is based on the age of your account, and the second one is based on the number of dragons you defeat. Both of them were upgrades to me not to mention the fact that I had a blast working my way through the old world encounters.

First up was Lord Nagafen, with 32k hp he barely stood a chance, along with Lady Vox who came next. I defeated these on live server not all that long ago when Nostalgia the Guild was making the rounds, so I wasn’t really having any squeals of delight at the time. After that came a dracoliche, which was in the actual version of Fear along with all of the mobs that swarmed us. Not a difficult fight, but annoying to find our way out of. Gorenaire, Trakanon, and Phara Dar all fell with ease. Then we started meeting dragons I had never seen before on live servers Like Lord Yelinak and Vulak’Aerr. My ‘wow’ moment came while defeating The Four warders of Sleeper’s Tomb (although not the sleeper himself) because I had never been in the zone before. Finally we came to Quarm who was by far the most impressive looking dragon creature I had seen all night. Each little bit you DPS him down causes one of his heads to explode until he’s left with just one. There are adds, and of course in true Sony manor the dragon fights are belly fights (as I quickly remembered when not a single one of my spells would land from range).

The 11th dragon is Kessdona the Enlightened and this was where we met our wall. See, this dragon replenishes its health via 4 stone statues that stand all around it during the fight. Your job is to defeat the proper statue that the dragon is using to siphon the health. The only way to figure out which one of the four statues it is, is to bring someone who can track. The one that shows up on track is the proper statue. Not incredibly difficult unless you’re a monk and a necromancer with a cleric and warrior mercenary attempting these raid encounters. If that happens to be the case, well. We spent a lot of time trying to guess which statue it was and some times we were correct but all it takes is one incorrect guess and the dragon would move from 50% health to 99% health. Ugh.

Still, I’m pleased with all of our progress. It was a lot of fun and the rewards were still nice for the amount we accomplished. We have gotten a few guild invites to defeat the rest of the dragons, so we may just go along with that and see how far we can get.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! I’ll see you in Norrath.