June 2012

Game Updates June 21,2012 #VGD #Vanguard #VGSOH

Today is the first release of a series of content focused releases. As we get closer to F2P we will be releasing level range targeted updates that will attempt to address content flow, reward metrics, and gameplay issues. This first update includes changes to the first ten levels of the game.


  • The IOD bracelet pieces can now be attained in Tursh, Tanvu, and Cliffs of Ghelgad as quest rewards.
  • Tanvu
    • Revised and polished the flow of quests and content, including quest text.
    • Adjusted quest levels where necessary.
    • Where needed, added simple quests to take you from one quest hub to the next.
    • Revised and/or added quest rewards to the majority of quests in Shang Village and Tanvu.
    • Added quest rewards for Soldier Morale
    • Added quest rewards for Lead By Example
    • Added quest rewards to Shang Treasure
    • Added quest rewards to Report to Officer Yu
    • Added quest rewards to Pathetic Soldiers
    • Added quest to return player to Lt. Xi
    • Added quest rewards to Monks of Shang Village
    • Added quest rewards to Master Fhungusu
    • Added quest rewards to Redemption
    • Added quest rewards to Avenging Oki
    • Added quest rewards to Oki Jewels
    • Added quest rewards to JUU
    • Added quest rewards to Lost Fishing Supplies
    • Added quest rewards to The Unforgotten
    • Added quest rewards to The Unforgotten #2
    • Added quest to point to where the trainers are in Tanvu
    • Added quest rewards to A Jin Divided
    • Added quest rewards to Choosing your Path
    • Added quest rewards to Walking with Ra’Jin
    • Added quest rewards to Ghost Wind Academy
    • Added quest rewards to Ra’Jin Assault.
    • Added quest rewards to Eye of the Beholder
    • Added quest rewards to Final Steps
    • Added quest rewards to Final Test of Jin
    • Added quest rewards to Ra Jin Rooftops
    • Added quest rewards to Parting Gifts
    • Added quest rewards to Ra’Jin Senshi
    • Added quest rewards to Trial of Pure Thoughts
    • Added quest rewards to Trial of Endurance
    • Added quest rewards to Trial of Pure Thoughts
    • Added quest rewards to Trial of Endurance
    • Added quest rewards to Path to Faith
    • Added quest rewards to Parting Gifts
    • Added quest rewards to Faith in JIn
    • Added quest rewards to Beast of Air
    • Added quest rewards for Blessing of the Hunter
    • Added quest rewards for Ring of Vision
    • Added quest rewards for Acrid Hide
    • Added quest rewards for Blessing of Awareness
    • Added quest rewards for Jin Devourers
    • Added quest rewards for Life of Amiran
    • Added quest rewards for Ulvari Influence
    • Added Journal Entries to A Humble New Beginning
    • Added Journal Entries to Mean for Tanvu
    • Created Journal Entry back to Yaol
    • Added Journal Entry to Asa Ji.
    • Added Journal Entry to Final Steps.
    • Added Journal Entry for Trial of Endurance
    • Added Journal Entry for Beast of the Land
    • Added Journal Entry for East of the Sea
    • Added Journal Entry for The Wretched
    • The leap of faith during the quest “Faith in Jin” will now only save you from the fall while you have the quest active. This was to prevent people flying through the area from being teleported undesirably.
    • Fixed a dialogue bug during the quest “Choosing Your Path.”
    • Fixed several logic errors in the quest “Choosing Your Path” that allowed player to gate themselves from completing the quest, collect multiple quest items, among other things.
    • Clarified summary text of the quest “One Hand Clapping.”
    • Decreased the level of Hulking Sandscrapers in the Tanvu bay to level 7.
    • Added a quest “The Ra’Jin Grandmaster” available from Master Shaof in the abandoned hotel.
  • Isle of Dawn
    • The Quest Go to Kiri Tentrees now has a quest object to use your compass to locate Kira Tenree’s.
    • The IOD bracelet pieces can now be attained in Tursh, Tanvu, and Cliffs of Ghelgad as quest rewards.
    • The tools for the quest “Family Tools” are now more visible.
    • Players who kill Mature Gataro instead of using the Repellent will now be told by Veteran Sixfish that they should use the repellent in their bags.
    • The Quest objective to Shut down the power source on the quest “The Trial of the Isle” is now completed after using the monument instead of upon completion of the quest “Thief in the Night”.
    • There are now Travel Journal locations for the quest “A Thief in the Night”.
    • Adventurers who have a Mysterious Device but have not accepted the quest the item gives will be gently reminded to use the item to start a quest.
    • There are two additional food piles that can be poisoned on the quest “Unforgivable”.
    • There is now an additional Flame Imp Portal to be shut down for the quest “Earth Den”.
    • Adventurers who get near Koi Le Trueverse will receive a quest to talk to assist him.
    • A Travel Journal Entry has been added for the quest “Lost Charm”.
    • Players who do not have the Arcane Chicken Prod equipped will be reminded to equip the Chick Prod if they attempt to catch a chicken without their Prod.
    • There is now an additional Quest Objective on the quest Return to Elder Wen Starbrook to talk to Elder Wen Starbrook.
    • Clarified the quest Objectives for the quest “Unwilling Reason”.
    • There are now two additional chests that can be found while on the quest “Reclaimed Treasure”
    • There is now an additional quest objective on the quest “Warn the Priests” to smooth out the questflow.
    • A Travel Journal Location has been added for the quest “Half the Battle”
    • A Travel Journal Location has been added for all of the Shotaru
    • Solo quest progression on the Isle of Dawn now ends with the quest “The Shotaru”, after which players will be given the option to either leave the Isle of Dawn or continue fighting the corruption on Isle of Dawn. All quests after this point are now small group to reflect the difficulty some classes have soloing in the Temple.
    • The Quest rewards have been reworked so that players who choose to leave the Isle of Dawn after “The Shotaru” will have a full set of armor.
    • Adventurers will no longer have to stand in a very small area in order to use the Ember Shard
    • Added a Travel Journal Location for the quest “The Village”
    • Added a Travel Journal Location for the quest “Hobgoblin Patrols”
    • There is a new Quest Listen to Kira Tentree’s after the quest Go to Kira Tentrees.
  • Tursh
    • The quest “Windmill Clues” now has another method to find the notes left by the Riftseekers. Adventurers that are helping Inquisitor Tomas will find the clues a bit more readily now.
    • Jorey Melery’s quest “Healed Horse” is no longer available. The quest was disabled for adjusted quest progression in Tursh.
    • Guard Rakner’s quest “Help Guard Rakner” is no longer available. The quest was disabled for adjusted quest progression in Tursh.
    • Guard Horace’s quest “Rifty Business” is no longer available. The quest was disabled for adjusted quest progression in Tursh.
    • Players working on “Riftseeker Destruction” can now click the portals in Riftseeker’s Torrent to receive their quest updates.
    • Players working on “Open Source Cave” should now be directed to kill Imp Taskmasters for the means to free the poor Brownie Workers in Riftseeker’s Torrent.
    • Players working on the quests “Scout Recovery”, “Cartheon Initiative”, and “Death of the Necromancer” will now find Inquisitor Senn at her post. The other NPC’s associated with the quests are also now available.
    • Guard Manket no longer offers the quest “Thieving Foxes”. Guard Paylan, who’s closer to those dastardly foxes, now offers the quest instead.
  • Cliffs of Ghelgad
    • The quest ‘Thieving Rats” now has a journal entry to find the basket and chest.
    • The quest “Finding the Evidence” now removes from your inventory the items required for the quest.
    • The quest “Harami Initiation” now has a journal entry for the Bandit Camp.
    • The quest “Ksaravi Raiders” now has a journal entry to the Raiders Camp.
    • The quest “Agates for Adventurers” now has a journal entry to the agates.
    • The quest “Brownie Marauders” now has a journal entry to the Brownie Mauraders.
    • The quest “Matu-Makas” now has a journal entry to Matu-Makas.
    • The quest “Seabrid Rescue” now has a journal entry to the seabirds.
    • The quest “Finding a trainer” now reminds the player to equip the bag that was the reward.
    • The quest “Poisoned Bridge” now has a journal entry to Nolnoc.
    • The quest “Diseased Ksaravi Claw” now has a journal entry to Amshta Daedi.
    • The quest “A Road less Traveled” now shows the quest reward.
    • The quest “ Naemsong Needs you” is now a level 8 quest.
    • The quest “Missing Magic” now has a journal entry to Skabaka Arashmas.
    • The quest “The Scrying Stone” has been removed.


  • Tanvu
    • Revised and/or added loot rewards to the majority of boss mobs in Shang Village and Tanvu.
    • Added better loot drops to Sasori Kojin
    • Added better loot drops to Kyoukan Fujaru
    • Added better loot drops to Senshi Master
    • Added better loot drops to Spawn of Kojuko
    • Added better loot drops to Spellbreaker Tauko
    • Added better loot drops to Grandmaster Nahuji
    • Added additional trainers to Shang Village and Tanvu.
    • Consolidated the Tanvu trainers into one area so they are easier to find regardless of character class.
    • Adjusted Wander Radius on Manifestations of Jin
    • Imperial Soldiers in Shang Village can no longer be attacked with offensive abilities.
    • Made the rooftops of the Ra’Jin Fortress more accessible for the quest “Ra’Jin Rooftops.”
    • Decreased the assist aggro radius of Stabled Ostra in the Ra’Jin Fortress.
    • Grandmaster Nahuji has been made a small-group target.
    • Archetype ability trainers have been added at the House of Master Tallon to eliminate  backtracking.
  • Isle of Dawn
    • Tan Fen Greatcloud and Kira Tentree are now closer to where new adventurers start in Isle of Dawn.
    • Gataro Diver and Darkhide Crocodiles should be more plentiful.
    • Adventurers will no longer be able to accidentally attack Kojani Villagers.
    • Kojani Villagers can now be told to run even if they are in combat.
    • Rock Elementals on IOD will no longer absorb arcane spells.
    • Hobgoblin Defenders Block ability has been adjusted to better match the difficulty of a starting area.
    • Zalaz has been tuned to better match the difficulty that players should expect in a starting area.
    • The assist radius in the Ulvari Camp has been tuned to better match the rest of the Isle of Dawn
    • The Shotaru are now all located outside of the Temple
    • Ang Di Lowrock will now talk to players as they first enter the Temple
    • The Pegasus rental NPC as well as Hoangsu Halfmoon are now near the Alter that players respawn.
  • Tursh
    • Halflings (and all other races) are now eligible for all Tursh quests. Rindol Field however is still wary of outsiders for the time being.
    • Field Foxes and Field Wolves can now be skinned in Tursh.
    • Tursh archetype training quests now provide rewards that are in line with the Isle of Dawn rewards from similar quests. Additional training quests are now available in Tursh as well.
    • Terance Larker’s moved a bit closer to Zelser’s tower so adventurers will be able to spot him more easily to help him with his Tursh Fishermen’s Guild problem.
  • Cliffs of Ghelgad
    • Djan Hashgo now reminds you to sell to the merchant if necessary.
    • Trainers have been added to the Bayside Outpost.
    • The Brownie Gull Slayers now spawn above ground.


  • Changed the ability description of “Turtle Shell” used by Helshorn Lurker’s  to “Increased Armor”.
  • Rochius Pitran’s Journal should no longer show up in the harvesting tutorial harvest loot.


  • Starting ability progression for all classes has been adjusted
  • Bard song components are now granted automatically as they level up

On A Crooked Little Hill, There Was a Crooked Little House #WurmOnline

I own two deeds on Deliverance, and the second deed has been sorely neglected. When I built it, I was going for a ‘natural’ look, and I didn’t terraform any of the land. That, was a mistake. It meant that the three buildings I created as well as all of my pens were crooked, sloped oddly in various sections of the flooring, and just looked horrible. Each time I went to this deed to do some mining I was struck by how bad it all looked.

I finally made the decision to scrap the whole deed and start from scratch. I took down all three buildings, and while I liked the initial layout, it could use some work. I spent the majority of the day working on flattening the area, and dug up over 500 dirt. 500! That’s how much ‘crooked’ the old deed consisted of.

This deed is a ‘get away’ deed. That means there’s space for a very tiny farm, but I don’t actually expect to use it. Only two small pens that should be easy to cover with enchanted grass for when I’m visiting, and very low upkeep.

One of the most recent changes is that now lamps are filled by guards, and I’ve never had guards before because I didn’t really have a need for them. I do appreciate having a deed lit up at night, so paying an extra silver a month (two silver, one for each deed) so that I don’t have to re-fill them is important to me. Re-filling them every 3-5 days isn’t THAT big of a deal, but it’s a convenience factor. People pay for convenience.

I’m pleased with how the deed is re-forming itself. I have one house completed, and the other two are coming along. Then it’s just a matter of making a lot of slabs and bricks as well as fence bars. Not exactly my favorite things in the world to do, but c’est la vie.

I’ll be sure to post screen shots once it’s completed!

There’s No Place Like Home #WurmOnline

The novelty of Celebration has worn off, and this weekend (thanks to a very generous Moumix) I brought all of my characters back home to Deliverance. I still have Falkenstein Castle, and I intend on keeping it (there’s over 150 days of upkeep paid) but I missed being able to hold sermons and I missed having all of my characters together. My Fo priest has 43 animal husbandry, and working up that skill again so I can see the traits on the 30+ horses I have is a bit of a pain. Not to mention she has 40+ farming, and can cast Fo spells which come in handy.

The population on Deliverance has dwindled slightly due to the new server, our average used to be over 100, some times 120-130, but now we’re holding at around 90. Expected with the new release. I love my deeds on this server, and I love the market place (Puzzle Plaza) and community that I know there. I’ve been making some great sales, enjoy to keep my deeds going. I’ve been happily working my skills up (yesterday I reached 30 jewel crafting) and Moumix and I have started holding sermons again. It’s pretty nice to have 8 characters participating between us (it’s enough for a prayer re-set).

In an amusing story, yesterday I went out walking along the coast to see if there were any ships I could salvage (remember folks, lock and moor your boats!) and along the way I happened to stumble into my own boat, a sailboat I had left far down the coast at the steppes some months ago. Back when I was hunting for hell horses. The amusing thing is that I didn’t even remember leaving it there (at the time) but when I found it suddenly it all came flooding back. It had 17 dmg on it, which (for a boat) is a lot. I sailed it home, and happily picked up the 300 planks I had also found while out and about.

You can never have too many planks.

The evening was finished by heading back to my old Darkpaw Bay deed, and loading up my new knarr (thanks to Moumix) with the materials I had been keeping in Squid’s house. The house is decaying quite heavily due to its low quality, and I wanted to remove the items before other scavengers came. Normally I wouldn’t really care, but there were 400 wemp that I wanted as well as a lot of copper (I still don’t have an easily accessible copper vein). When all is said and done, it’s nice to have everyone on the same deed.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Level 50+ Crafting Quest: Genesis #VGD #Vanguard #VGSOH

Finding information on Vanguard can be a bit tricky. You have to filter through things that are filled with outdated information and piece together bits from numerous other sites. It seems like over the years many sites have been started, but the information on all of them varies and is in multiple stages of completion.

When I hit 50 artificer (note, not the cap, the cap is 55) I knew there was a crafting quest that I was now able to do, but I had no idea what it was or where it was. There was no indication in-game of anyone I should visit, and so I had to do a google search for it. Eventually I found what I was looking for, a quest walk through for the Genesis chain, posted on the forums of Final Resolve. I’m taking their article and posting it here because I’ve seen far too many other sites go under and the information lost.

The Genesis questline is for level 50+ crafters.  In addition to giving you some nice gear and enough experience to give you 1.7 levels, it will give you access to the recipes to craft level 51+ spells/abilities and the various enhancement upgrades.  Note the latter will also require POTA access since the reagent needed can only be purchased from POTA and is not tradeable.

The quest starts with Geoffrey Wallstein, who is located in the Merchant’s Daughter Inn in the New Horizon’s quadrant of New Targoner.  Approx location is (-37,370 by 46,500).

Spoiler alert:  Do not read on if you don’t want any clues to the quest

1) Genesis – The Rumor:  Learn more about the artifact from Geoffrey.  Research his findings.  Go to the docks in NT and talk to Alison McTane.  Provide her either 5 dusky boards, mithril ingots or veilthread bolts in exchange for the item.  Return to Geoffrey.
Reward:  1 Million experience; Lvl 48 shirt – + 44 Ingenuity, +59 to all skills; Lvl 48 legs – +36 Reasoning, + 49 to all skills.

2) Genesis – The Bookseller:  Go to Lucan Bell in New Targoner crafting area.
Reward:  75K experience

3) Genesis – Puzzle Pieces:  Collect items using locations in your journal.  Avoid interference from “The Coinman”.  You will need to got to 10 locations and click to obtain the items you need.  You can do this in any order.  Follow your compass as you select each to find the exact location.  The bookseller will give you the initial part you need (Genesis Core).
– 1) Metal parts:  Located in the 3 rivers village (Thestra)
– 2) Crystals:  Located in Jharru Flats (Qalia)
– 3) Residue:  Located in a tree trunk in Ca’ial Brael (Kojan)
– 4) Conduit:  Located in Konarthi Point (Thestra)
– 5) Lens:  Located in Coastal Graveyard (Thestra)
– 6) Scroll:  Located in Ahgram (Qalia)
– 7) Liquid:  Located in Afrit (Qalia)
– 8) Wire:  Located in the Cliffs of Ghelgad overlooking Khal (Qalia)
– 9) Orb:  Located in Tanvu (Kojan)
-10) Flame:  Located in Tomb of Lord Tsang (Kojan)
Reward:  1 Million experience; Lvl 48 Mask – +47 Finesse, + 31 to all skills; Lvl 48 Boots – +34 Problem Solving, + 23 to all skills.

4) Genesis – Back Together:  Repair the Genesis (finishing combine).
Reward:  750K experience

5) Genesis – Lucan’s Discovery:  Speak to Geoffrey Wallstein for information, then report back to Lucan.  Geoffrey will share that you will need to talk to Rold and Joley in Ahgram.  However, be sure you return to Lucan first.  Lucan will then send you BACK to Geoffrey so you can obtain the next quest which sends you to Ahgram.
Reward:  500K experience

6) Genesis – Gnomes and the Coinman:  Geoffrey Wallstein will now direct you to talk to Rold and Joley in Ahgram.  Follow your compass to find them.
Reward:  750 experience

7) Genesis – Thieves’ Tools:  Craft 4 sets of tools for Rold and Joley.
Reward:  750 experience; Ancient Builder’s Ring – +1 Problem Solving, +8 to all skills

8) Genesis – Time for Stealing:  Cause a distraction in the Bloodied Sun Inn by dumping a sack of critters in the inn.  Click the bag they give you to dump the critters.
Reward:  1 Million experience; Treasure Hunter Apron, Lvl 48, +35 Problem solving, +58 Finesse, +31 Tool

9) Genesis – Suprise for Lucan:  Return to Lucan in New Targoner with the missing Genesis part.
Reward:  750K experience; Experimentation Gloves, Lvl 48, +17 Reasoning, +17 Finesse, +70 tool use

10) Genesis – A Few Questions:  Test the Genesis (finishing combine).
Reward:  750K experience; Artifact Maker Utility Pouch, Lvl 48, 70 slot, +2 Problem solving, +11 Station; Artifact Maker Toolbelt, Lvl 48, 6 slot, +2 Reasoning, +3 Finesse, +8 Tool use

11) Genesis – Back to Geoffrey:  Speak to Geoffrey Wallstein.
Reward:  500K experience

12) Genesis – The Coinman:  Confront the Coinman in the Tradewin Tavern of Khal.  Return to Geoffrey in NT.
Reward:  750K experience

13) Genesis – Treasure Time:  Craft the treasure hunting rod and take it to Lucan.
Reward:  1 Million experience; Gold Masterwork Sigil

14) Genesis – The Last Puzzle Piece:  Lucan will send you to a path near Bordiner’s cleft.  There you will find the Coinman and a Spirit.  Talk to the spirit who will challenge you both to create the best artisan work.  Return to Lucan.
Reward:  1 Million experience

15) Genesis – Proof of Talent:  Construct Lucan’s Pre-cataclysm ceremonial armor.  Recipes will allow you to make pieces used in the assembly combine.  Once complete, return to the spirit outside Bordiner’s Cleft and show him your work.  Return to Lucan in NT
Reward:  1,912,050 experience; Genesis Tool – Level 48, +21 Tool Use, +85 Tool effectiveness.  (This tool is two tools in one.  Right click to convert it to the other form.  There are 3 options – 1 for each class.); Ability to learn spell / enhancement recipes from Lucan Bell.

Product Review: UnoTelly

Note: It should be noted before I go forward with this post that I was given a review account to test this product out with, and I did not purchase it with my own money.

One of my biggest complaints living here in Canada (in regards to the internet and entertainment) has always been that I can’t access shows in other countries without having to resort to VPN changes or some other work around in order to watch some of my favorite shows. Even shows I pay for on Netflix differ from US to Canada. When I was approached in an email asked if I’d like to test out UnoTelly, I was only too eager.

The web site claimed that UnoDNS was easy to set up on every device you may possibly own, so I started out by installing their ‘UnoHelper’ on my PC, it was quick and painless and I had it up and running without any troubles. I was able to watch Hulu and Netflix.com without any interruptions in my speed, and if it were not for the small icon on my desktop I probably wouldn’t have even known it was running at all. I used it for a few hours without any of the noticeable slow downs that I’ve experienced with other VPN services, especially in prime time.

I did attempt to also get this working on my ipad, but ran into some login issues, so I wasn’t able to test it further. My only concern is that occasionally I would get a message saying my IP address had changed and I should refresh it. Being the non-tech savvy person that I am, I’m guessing this has to do with my ISP and not with UnoTelly. It was a bit distracting but nothing that wasn’t solved by hitting the refresh button. ** edit ** I just have to say again, what great and prompt service I was given during my review. I emailed support, found all my questions answered, and have no more difficulties. Works fantastic!

The product comes at a great price (thee tiers with different pricing depending on what you’re looking for) and they include channels for you to use which I found really helpful. They are right on with the speed, and I experienced no slow downs. Over all, I’m really pleased. The contact emails I’ve received were pleasant and helpful, and prompt which is something I really value in customer support.

It’s a great system, and so far I have no complaints. I’m looking forward to using UnoTelly more in the future, and hopefully it continues to work as well as they’ve suggested. Anyone else out there have any experience with UnoTelly? Let me know in comments, thanks!

Nomadic Gamer