September 7, 2012

Enjoying The Story

I love the little details I find in Guild Wars 2, like the random mail I get from my old Asura mentor, Zojja. She’s always keeping me updated on what’s going on with her, and she’s never forgotten any of my own deeds, no matter how far from home I may be when I’ve accomplished them. Makes my little Velours a bit home sick, to be honest. She hasn’t been ‘Savant’ for quite some time, now she’s called Commander. I wish there were more ‘stories’ within the game that didn’t rely quite so heavily on GW1 lore, because I haven’t explored everything GW1 has to offer (yet). It’s on my list of things to do (along with a number of other things, that list seems to be growing longer every single day). By stories I don’t mean that everyone doesn’t have their own little one, they do, but I wish my character felt more connected to the world as a whole aside from her personal story that I follow through the zones.

That’s what I’ve been working on lately, her personal story along with finishing off the 70-75 zones, except there are a few skill points that are currently bugged. Hopefully they get fixed before too long (I’ve heard loads of people complaining about this in the map channel).

What is everyone else up to?

A lot of people that I know have been busy with alts – and I find myself a bit of an outsider this time around because while I am normally the queen of alts (I have a VERY long list of them) I have felt no inclination this time around to play one what so ever. I tried playing a few of them off and on, but none are above level 3 at this time. I’m still just too involved with my little guardian.

I don’t know how much longer that will last, but I’m enjoying it while it does, that’s for sure! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!