October 16, 2012

Important News re: ProSiebenSat.1 #EQ2 #EverQuest2

Taken from the official EQ2 forums

As many of you may have seen this morning on John Smedley’s Twitter, we have been working together with ProSiebenSat.1 Games to come up with solutions to some issues that have been brought up by our customers since the announcement of our publishing agreement with ProSiebenSat.1 Games in the EU Region. Together we have worked out a deal where existing customers will be able to choose whether they remain with Sony Online Entertainment or transfer to ProSiebenSat.1 Games.

Here are the tweets from Smed:

“I wanted to thank our players for continuing feedback. We’ve been listening along with our European partners at Prosieben. We’ve found a way to let existing players of our current games that are migrating over to Prosieben (EQ, EQ II, Planetside 2) keep their SOE accounts and stay with SOE. Down the road we may offer an option to move over to Prosieben. Just to be clear after these games launch on Prosieben’s service new accounts will be created on their sites. However all US and EU players can still play together no matter which service they are on.

I want to be clear that Prosieben will have better European CS and payment options IMO. That’s why we went with them in the first place. Also Prosieben has done a great job of listening and is working on changing some of their CS policies. More to come on that soon. Just going back and forth with our partners at Prosieben. I can confirm that we WILL offer the ability to migrate to Prosieben. No word on timeframe just yet, but shouldn’t take too long.”

Both SOE and ProSiebenSat.1 Games remain committed to making this transition as easy and beneficial as possible for players; more news will come in coming weeks, especially after we return from SOE Live.

Thank you for your patience.

Official Wikia Communities #Vanguardsoh #VGD


Last week SOE announced ‘official wikia communities‘ for EQ2 and Planetside 2. I’ve been looking forward to these announcements for quite some time, but what I was hoping to see was one announced for Vanguard. Those who have played Vanguard over the years remember when the crafting web site came down – it hosted an enormous amount of incredibly valuable information and due to the lack of interest in the game the person hosting it just couldn’t continue. No one offered to take over, and eventually it vanished from the internet along with hours of crafting information. Losing information like that is a painful prospect for continuing players as well as potential customers. Especially for a game like Vanguard where playing without some sort of wikia (for crafting) is almost impossible. There are simply too many intricate combinations and ‘rules’.

I think the general idea is fantastic, although it’s certainly not new. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 host their own wikia that players can add information to. Wurm Online also runs a wikia for their game. Making these places ‘official’ and assigning a staff member to ‘oversee’ it is a big step, and gives confidence to players that 1. the information isn’t going anywhere and 2. it is probably relatively up to date.

Hopefully we can see some sort of official Vanguard wikia put in place eventually. There is a popular one that has been around a short while now called ‘Telonica” which I’ve suggested SOE team up with. We’ll see how that goes.