Rain Of Fear #EverQuest

Cold weather is coming (slowly) and with it of course my usual fall Nostalgia. No matter what game I play, none compares to how much I loved EverQuest, and so I decided to dip back into game. It wasn’t that long ago that I was playing steadily, my enchanter and necromancer are both level 90, and while my houses have been repossessed, I still have my belongings in escrow.

SOE also announced the 19th EverQuest expansion, ‘Rain of Fear’ which I am looking forward to. This expansion will bring the level cap to 100 – wow. It also adds a whole bunch of other neat features, and also some features that have been a long time coming. I’ve highlighted some of the most exciting points for me personally.

  • Level cap increase from 95 to 100 – Achieve a new max level of 100 and set a new standard of gameplay.
  • Hunter System – Gain special rewards and titles for defeating large numbers of foes.
  • Aggro Meter – A brand new tool to help better manage your aggro. You can now see your aggro level relative to your group.
  • Collection System – Discover items throughout Norrath and collect sets for exciting rewards and titles.
  • Improved Brokering System – Sell items in the Bazaar while being offline! More flexibility as a buyer to search and purchase from anywhere in the world.
  • New Linear Item Progression – Stats on armor collected will increase as you move up from one tier to another.
  • Customization with non-visible armor – All non-visible armor in Rain of Fear can be worn by all. You’ll be able to customize your stats for every encounter.
  • Class-specific stat distribution – Collect items that are designed specifically for each classes’ abilities.
  • More than 1800 New Spells (Ranks 1, 2 & 3) – Exponentially add to your spell arsenal.
  • More than 550 AAs – Elevate your power and abilities like never before.
  • More than 3500 New Items – Create your own identity with thousands of new items.
  • More than 3000 New Tradeskill recipes – Increase your value across Norrath by creating items only available by your craftsmanship.
  • More than 110 Quests – Challenge your skills and gather useful loot.
  • 13 Raids – Collect valuable rewards from all new adventures.
  • 9 Zones – Be the first to discover untouched lands of Norrath.
  • 19 Missions – Experience intriguing lore and immersive Missions.
  • Continued opportunity to kill off Halflings.
  • Legends of Norrath™ – 5 Digital Booster Packs.

Ascalionian Catacombs, Caudecus’ Manor, Twilight Arbor, and Combat Wombats #GW2 #GuildWars2

Saturday night was ‘dungeon night’ for the mighty Combat Wombats, and we had THREE full groups of people, even with a few of our members being unable to join. That’s amazing! What started out as a very small casual ‘lets start a guild!’ idea in G+ has grown to friends and family and friends of friends. We’re still keeping it informal, but it’s been quite a nice experience having so many people around.

Two groups of guild mates headed off to the Ascalonian Catacombs, which you may recall me doing not that long ago with our first guild dungeon run. For those who find this dungeon leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, I beg of you, at least try the second dungeon before giving up completely. I’m not exactly sure what ArenaNet was thinking by placing such a difficult dungeon as a persons introduction but out of all the dungeons I’ve done so far, that one was by far the hardest (keep in mind I have only done story mode so far). While those two groups headed to the catacombs (man, I wish I could have heard them on vent, but I was in my own group and needed to pay attention after all) our group headed to Caudecus’ Manor. I had been there before with a PUG, and already knew what to expect. The dungeon is a fairly simple tank-and-spank type dungeon, where you need to do simple things like ducking behind fountains and putting up projectile resistant wards in order to ensure you lived. There’s fewer names, and less loot as a result. It’s also quite quick, so once we were finished with that dungeon we replaced the one person who had to leave and decided to take on Twilight Arbor.

I had never been to Caledon Forest before, so I had to walk to the dungeon. What a pain that was. Not because getting there is difficult, but because I knew I was holding my group up and wish I had of unlocked the waypoint at the doors earlier.

I didn’t get to see all of the dungeon because my power went out and I had to call it an early night, but I did enjoy the parts we managed. A huge spider, some exploding flowers, and many conditions that needed to be cured. This dungeon seemed easier than Catacombs, but harder than Manor, so it was a good fit between what we had already done.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, even those who were in the dreaded Catacombs. There were reports of it taking 2.5 hours, and 3.5 hours for each group respectively, but they didn’t give up. That’s my Wombats! Have to admit, I’m pretty proud to be sporting this guild tag.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


It’s been a long stressful week, and that’s not about to diminish until after Tuesday of next week, so I leave you all with this awesome image of my Asura hacking away at a Risen. I absolutely love her little motivational speeches that she gives about herself constantly. Makes me smile.

Have a great weekend!

Back To Marelybone #Wizard101 #W101

A general warning: This post is a mishmash of ideas and thoughts combined with my gaming session in Wizard101, so it sort of bounces around a lot. My apologies.

This day in age, it’s hard to support all of the video games out there that you may enjoy playing. By ‘support’ I mean providing them with some sort of subscription fee or other payment that the game company can look at and go “we’re making money, yay, people love us!” because that’s what the ‘big guys’ pay attention to. We can make our blog posts and praise games as much as we want, and yes, that does all help, but to KEEP a game going I truly believe that it is funding  that is noticed most of all.

I love Wizard101, and I’ve played it off and on for a number of years now. When I first started playing I splurged and bought a handful of crowns (as well as a subscription) to show my ‘support’ to the game. Years have gone on and I still have a handful of crowns, I haven’t really found anything that I NEEDED to spend it on. Last night I had an itch to play, so I loaded it up (and had a lot of downloads to go through) and made my way to my wizard castle (home). It was great re-visiting my garden, which I was surprised was actually still standing. I made quick work of clearing out the bugs around my plants, watered them, my gift giving tree is even still there. Gave them some sunshine and then I was out of energy for a while, so I moved on.

When I had left Wizard101 I had just started on Marleybone, after becoming a hero of Krokotopia (which I am still pretty proud of to this day). I know by most W101 standards I’m still a very young Wizard, having never been to some of the newer places like Celestia, Zafaria, or Avalon. I did get a quest that sent me to Wysteria but because I prefer to do things in order once I had completed the introductory quest I went back to Marleybone (where my quests there promptly sent me back to Krokotopia to do delivery to some troops). It felt nice to be playing again. It’s a relaxing game, and you don’t need to have children to enjoy the finer details like housing, pet battles, gardening, crafting, or even just the basic game play which is a turn based card-game type of battle that takes place.

Anyhow. While I feel lucky that there are so many games out there for such a huge variety of gamers, I also feel sad because it’s impossible to support every single game I enjoy all of the time. Some times these blog posts are all us fans have to give and it’s just not always enough. That comment doesn’t directly relate to Wizard101, but more a general thought I had as I was going through some of the games I’ve played in the past. Some that are no longer around. Some make you wonder how on earth they can still be around (Vanguard, I’m looking at you).

On a completely random note, I can’t wait for Pirate 101. I’m not in the beta but I have my fingers crossed, and I am really looking forward to seeing what KingsIsle does with the game. Of course I’m also pretty biased since I wrote a bunch of Wizard101 articles for Beckett Massive Online Gamer (which shut down), and FUN! Online Games (renamed). It’s amazing at how fast time flies.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Alts? We Don’t Need No Stinking Alts! #GuildWars2 #GW2

Unable to bring myself to playing an alt when there’s still so much to do on my ‘main’, I’ve been completing the lower level zones and collecting craft goods for those unplayed characters so that they may at least level up crafting (and gain regular experience from that). So far it’s gone quite well. Yesterday I completed the Charr starter zone, which I found incredibly pretty, decked out in fall colours. My human mesmer picked up armoring and tailoring, which is of course a huge pain in the behind because both skills use the same materials to level up. I’ll get through it, I’ve really got nothing but time on my hands now that my guardian is 80 so collecting lower level supplies is not too rough.

I’ve only completed two of the starter zones now, the Asura and Charr. Today I’ll probably do the human zones, and then the Sylvari tomorrow. We’ll see. That should get me enough craft materials to at least level either one or the other to 75, and prepare me for the next round of zones. I’m slowly saving up skill points towards the 200 required for the legendary weapon, and while I’m certainly not saving up any money (yet) I know it will come with time (or at least that’s what I hope).

I’m pleased that I’ve almost completed the monthly achievements for September. All I need is to salvage 500 items, I believe at this moment I’m at around 375, and running through the lower level zones has certainly been helpful, as I’m just salvaging everything I loot. I’ve made sure to keep the magic find food active on my character too, after all every little bit helps.

I hope everyone else is having a pleasant week so far, no matter what game you find yourself in. Happy gaming!