January 13, 2013

A Season For Everyone #TS3 #TheSims3

Screenshot-33I’ve been having a lot of fun with the Sims 3 as of late. When black Friday came around I ended up picking up all of the expansions I was missing and now there are just a few ‘stuff’ packs that I don’t own. Sure I don’t NEED all of the expansions but it feels nice to have a ‘complete’ collection.

One of my favorite expansions is by far Seasons. It adds so much to the game. There’s a local festival that opens every season with a lot of games and fun to be had. Each season also adds unique features to the game – like snow. You can build snowmen or snow angels and there’s costumes for Halloween and just so much other fun.

I haven’t “cheated” in game yet to give my sim family unlimited coin, but it’s something I often think about because lets face it, having unlimited coin means you quite literally get to do whatever you want. Don’t want to work? No problem. Want to play in the World Adventures expansion and go exploring in Egypt or France? By all means, please do! Plus there’s something to be said for building the house of your dreams. My sim family gets no such luxuries. My family (so far) is compromised of a husband and wife with twin girls, Jessica and Emily. The girls were sent off to boarding school when they were of age. Emily headed off to Dribbledine Sports Academy, and Jessica headed to Le Fromage Art School. I’ve never actually sent my sims children to boarding school before, but it works exactly like you’d think. You send them away and then you don’t have to control them in the household any more, they do their own thing and come back when they’re all grown up. If you want a large family but don’t want to have to control every action everyone does their entire life, this may be an option for you. Of course that also means when the girls do return from school they’ll be strangers to me. You can have them return home at any time you would like, but for now I’ve left mine at school until they get their degree. I imagine they’ll complete when they’re almost adults and then when my main sims pass on the girls can take over in the story.

My ‘main’ character is a writer (I know, not very unique considering that’s what I’ve always dreamed of doing) and is working on a novel called “Marshmellow Massacre” – I’m sure it will be a best seller.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer