June 14, 2013

Summer Update Incoming #WurmOnline

wurm.20130614.1921There are some really amazing updates coming out soon, Tuesday June 18th to be exact. This is posted from the Wurm Online Tumblr.

Wurm V1.1 Summer Update Release Next Week

We’re very happy to tell you that our Summer Update which brings Wurm to version 1.1 will be released on Tuesday 18th June.

What’s coming in the Summer Update?

One of our main projects for this update has been to make a number of performance enhancements, mainly to the game client. This should mean that graphics cards will be used more effectively to improve frame rates and overall performance. We’ve also tried to fix as many bugs as possible.

We’re adding a number of new features to the game, including the ability to build house extensions, new fence types, learn mystical powers to become a powerful sorcerer, and several others including an overhaul of the foraging and botanising system.

We have also made some changes to graphics and user interface. These include an update to a number of creature models and animations, a paper-doll window for equipping armour, icons for climbing, lawful etc. and inventory grouping among other improvements.

We’re also very glad to announce that our new in-game music will be released. We’ll let you know more about that soon.

Overall, this summer update has been the result of work from across all areas of the team since we hit 1.0 last December. Some of the changes are quite small, but there are many of them. Others are very exciting and add new depth and accessibility to the game and we’re really excited to see how you use them.

We really hope you enjoy this next release of Wurm Online as much as we have enjoyed developing it for you. Happy Wurming!

Yours Sincerely,
Rolf and the team behind Wurm Online

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for regular updates! There’s also our Team Blog.

P.S. In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a condensed featurelist for v1.1:

  • Client Performance Upgrades
  • An All-New Mystic Powers and Karma System
  • More New Creature Models
  • Re-Work of the Epic Endgames
  • Kingdom Tabards (worn on the body)
  • Cross-Server Chat
  • New Fence Types
  • Flower Beds and Flower Pots
  • Gravestones
  • New “Analyse” on Rock Ores
  • Foraging and Botanizing Overhaul
  • Modify Existing Structures
  • New In-Game Music
  • GUI: Addition of a Drag and Drop “Paperdoll”
  • GUI: New icons for climbing, faithful etc
  • Inventory Grouping
  • In-game Skill Tracker
  • Diagonal Roads
  • Falling Tree Animations

P.P.S. There will also be a slight change to the farming mechanic. There will now be more factors affecting crop yield, including seed ql, rake ql and the rarity of everything involved. In theory, someone with only 1 farming skill could potentially achieve a yield of 4 crops. Also, you will continue to always harvest more than 0 crops.