July 9, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday MmoQuests

I purchased MmoQuests.com back in July 2006 and it’s seen some good years and some bad, but I always came back to writing here about my video game experiences. There have been over 2,300 posts in those 7 years, 62,896 spam comments since 2007, and 247,891 visits since 2010 (no idea why it didn’t count earlier than that). There are so many posts these days about ‘blogging and community‘ and ‘where did the MMO bloggers go‘ – well, this one is still right here. Still doing the same posts I’ve done for years now because I never went into this thinking I was doing anything more than writing about a hobby of mine, for myself. I love writing. In fact I have three other blogs besides this one, and although Nomadic Gamers doesn’t get a lot of traffic in the way of posts it’s still there. I don’t post very controversial topics but there are a few from the past. I also don’t get a lot of comments, but I never have – and I never ever let that stop me.

One thing I did do a few years ago was remove my blogroll from the right hand side column – and I want to change this and put it back. I had no reason for it other than the fact that it was a design choice I made at the time when I changed the theme around and just never added it back.

Anyhow, the point is – thank you. Every single person who has ever read this blog, ever supported me by clicking the donate button (it’s not free to host this massive blog for 7 years ya know), everyone who has put up with my rants, followed me from game to game, etc. I’ve met some very wonderful people by blogging here. I got a job writing for Beckett Massive Online Gamer (before they shut down of course) because of this blog. Will I be giving it up any time soon?

Most certainly not. Writing is just what I do.