October 1, 2013

More Mysterious Books #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000223I have posted a few times in the past, about these mysterious books that keep finding their way into my mailbox. I have no idea who sends them, or why, but each one is preciously added to my library in the hopes that one day someone can help me figure this puzzle out. Above is the book that was sent to Anastasie, my necromancer. I wasn’t expecting anything to be sent to her since she’s a relatively new character, but there it was.

EQ2_000224Another, sent to my defiler. I’ll be adding them both to my library in the hopes that someone out there knows something about this puzzle that has been going on for many years now! Player made quests like this one are really exciting to me, and I’m very pleased that someone took the time to write all of this out. I hope that they are reading this post and know how much it is appreciated!