December 28, 2013

It’s all about the Pets (and Addons) #WoW

WoWScrnShot_122313_210823I recently picked up two very nice addons for my pet obsession. The first one is called PetTracker and to sum it up, this is an amazing addon.

  • Displays the locations of all pets, stables and tamers on the world map.
  • Tracks your progress of catching pets in your current zone.
  • Shows the rarity of pets in battle and warns you of upgrades.
  • Exposes pet breeds in combat, the journal and tooltips. NEW
  • Displays all your enemies and allies abilities as you fight.
  • Provides a journal of all tamers and their teams. NEW

If you’re working on pet battles I highly suggest you pick this little gem up. You can customize it to track only the pets you’re looking for and there are so many other options. The second addon I got was a suggestion from Kasul who has been leveling up multiple teams so that there is less downtime. This one is called Petbattle Teams.

  • Create an unlimited teams of pets and quickly switch between them in the pet journal.
  • Reliable pet switching even when spammed with requests to change teams.
  • The skills in the tooltip are the saved skill selections
  • The frames location is now saved.
  • Pets are saved to your current team as you make changes, no more hitting save. (This behavior can be disabled by unchecking “Automatically save teams” in the options).
  • Teams can be named, deleted or locked by right clicking the team.
  • Additional options are available from Game Menu -> Interface -> AddOns -> PetBattleTeams

So far my team has hit level 15, and I’ve collected pets in all of the zones that I’ve done battles in. My collection has grown to 183 owned pets, and I’m looking forward to finally hitting 200 and maybe even reaching level 25 one of these days. The battles have started to get a bit more difficult now, I have to fight three on three instead of two on three, but I haven’t had any great losses.

How have your own pet battle experiences been so far? Are you close to reaching level 25 with your team? Any advice for other addons that I may find useful? Let me know in comments!