

This week has been pretty exciting for a number of reasons, but also pretty expensive. Blizzard seems to know exactly what to put out as a pre-order and deluxe edition bonus, and lets face it, I’m a sucker for those items. That means that I picked up the new Diablo 3 deluxe edition for the treasure goblin pet and other goodies, along with the new World of Warcraft deluxe edition for the pet, and the mount, AND I played (and won) three games of Hearthstone in order to get the mount from that event, too.

These are not complaints by any means, I am excited about each of these pets, and I had fun doing the Hearthstone event. I’ve been having a good time playing Diablo 3, it’s perfect for those days I have limited time and just want to make something explode. My Witchdoctor is level 40, the highest I’ve ever gotten. Tying games together with rewards isn’t anything new, but the rewards from Blizzard’s events lately are ones that really appeal to me. Especially since my collection of WoW pets is still growing.

Have you picked up any of the deluxe editions of a game because of the rewards they gave you (Landmark also comes to mind) in other games? Let me know in comments!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

2 thoughts on “Blizzard Gets Me”
  1. I get where you’re coming from here completely.

    I also buy every one of the Blizzard deluxe editions. I even bought the Starcraft II one, even though I don’t play Starcraft. I’m not even THAT big of a collector. I guess I’m just a sucker for all their stuff.

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