August 15, 2014

What are you Playing


Can you ever play too many games? I like to think not, but has anyone decided for themselves “hey, maybe I play too many games?” – I’m not talking devoting your entire life to gaming, but I mean pure number of games.

By some peoples standards, my steam library is tiny. I think I own 200 games or so now. I don’t own a console, but I have a handful of other games that are not on steam (Mostly MMOs). In any given week I probably rotate between 4 and 15 different games, playing each of them for a few hours here and there. Some times I can get on a game bender where I play just one game for weeks at a time until I’m so burnt out that I push it aside in disgust, only to lovingly pull it back out and start playing again a few weeks later. Actually most of my steam library follows this pattern.

So what about you, how many games at a time do you play? Do you stick to your guns and complete a game before moving on to the next one (those that have ‘endings’ at least) or do you dabble around in whatever catches your fancy?

Let me know in comments below!