November 2014

Bridges? BRIDGES! #WurmOnline


Remember when I wrote about bridges coming to Wurm Online? Way back when, November of last year? Well, the time has finally come. It was announced that bridges will be making their way to the live game very soon (rumor has it the update is December 10th).

Excited? I sure am, especially on a server like Xanadu where everything is split up by huge bodies of water. I think this update will be fantastic, and it will make travel much easier. I haven’t been doing a whole lot of traveling lately, opting instead to work close to home on random things that need to get done, but I always get the urge to go exploring and can’t wait to see what people do with this update.

I’ve been helping a neighour build their obelisk, so far the bronze portion is done along with a handful of bricks, but it’s slow going. I don’t mind, I tend to work on it during off hours when I’m watching TV or just relaxing. Thanks to the updated craft window it’s quite easy to simply queue 4 actions and let it run its course. I have also been debating what to do about keeping my priests active, I really enjoy my Vynora priest, and I enjoy aspects of my Fo priest but don’t make as much use out of the character as the Vynora. That being said, for now both priests are active (along with my main).

There is only a small portion of undeveloped land now on my deed, it runs along the side where my mine is and behind my stables. I’ve slowly been working that land and while I’m not sure what I’ll create there yet (more housing perhaps?) it’s nice to know that it will be ready for whatever I decide to do with it. Speaking of stables, horse breeding is going well. I’m hoping I get to add more colours to the herd soon, at the moment all of my horses are grey minus two brown ones and one black. 2 speed is as high as I have gotten, but I know that will get better the more I progress my herd. It’s winter in Wurm right now, and everything is covered with a nice dusting of snow. Some players dislike this season but personally I adore it (just like in real life) – it also makes things much easier to spout on the ground.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

100 and Onwards


Weekend chores kept me from doing as much gaming over the weekend as I would have liked, but I still managed to inch my way to level 100 on my main in World of Warcraft. The leveling was incredibly fast, I was expecting it to be much slower. It dragged a bit from 92-95 and then flew the rest of the way. As soon as I reached 100 I went to the proving grounds as you’re unable to queue for some things without first, well, you know. Proving yourself. I thought I would have issues because I wanted to queue for dungeons as a healer but all of the gear I have been getting is for DPS, but I beat the silver healing scenario without too many issues (mana by the end of the 8th wave was pretty low, but no one died) and I’m pretty close to 610 ilevel (I think I’m at 608 right now). I got a 665 ilevel cloak at level 100 that was bind on equip from a random mob in the world, so that really helped.

Of course reaching 100 had other perks too. My garrison can now be fully upgraded, or at least it could if I had the resources. Like everyone else out there I’m still trying to collect enough for my upgrades, which of course doesn’t come easily when I’m constantly shifting my buildings around. My first follower is about to hit 100, and I’m hoping I figure out how you gear them up. Thanks to the salvage yard I have all sorts of tokens to upgrade their gear and weapons to 615, but at this point I don’t even know how to do that.

I’m really enjoying WoD so far, and it seems like Blizzard has a hit on their hands. So many friends have returned and even though I know it’s a temporary thing, it has been a LONG time since I have seen so many of my friends all enjoying themselves in the same game.

A Not-Much-Gaming Week


Unlike most weeks I have, this one has been lacking the usual passion I exude for video games. I work night shift (midnight to 8am) and once that’s done I do my daily chores and by the time THAT is done it’s noon and I only have a bit of time before I’m headed back to bed so I can get up again for work. A typical work week for anyone, right? Needless to say, I just haven’t had the energy to play much of anything. I have been taking care of my farms and crops in Wurm Online, as well as logging into WoW to do some garrison work, but aside from that my evenings have been filled with books and soft blankets (my preferred method of relaxing). After creating my character in Dragon Age and playing through the opening scenes, I haven’t managed to go back to it yet. I’m hoping when I have more time over the weekend I’ll find my gaming vim again and play more.

My priest is still 97, her garrison is going well. My warlock is 92 and I’m hoping to level up the rest of my alts to 92 and unlock their garrisons over the weekend. In Wurm my deed is practically done which leaves me with plenty of time to work on my skills, though I’m not sure which one I want to work on next, it will probably be weapons. I also have my Vynora and Fo priest subscribed at the moment, and while I’m sure I’ll keep up with the Vynora, I’m not sure I need a Fo. I’m still playing WildStar, too but this week I haven’t had much time to do anything more than open boom boxes. I still have so many more to open!

Then there’s my adventures in Minecraft, which have been on hold the past two weeks due to lack of time. I severely need more time in the day to play! Hopefully I’ll have some more exciting posts to make here before too long.

Who needs Hair


I didn’t get a whole lot of time to check out the latest Dragon Age yesterday, most of my gaming time being taken up by character creation (of course), but I did play for an hour or so, and the first thing that stood out was “wow, this game is absolutely beautiful”, quickly followed by “wow, my character’s hair is horrible.” – in fact all the female hair choices were particularly horrible (in my opinion).

Pictured above – Blesse. She’s the dwarven archer I created. While I own and have played a few hours of both the previous Dragon Age games, I have not completed either of them. I was unsure of whether or not I wanted to complete them first before moving forward with this one, but in the end I decided I would be fine going on what I already knew. I don’t want to post any of the story or many screenshots because I know a lot of people dislike spoilers, but I will say that the first hour was pretty gripping. There’s a bit of lag when I take a screenshot so in half of them my dwarf looks like she’s got a mouthful of something unpleasant or her eyes are closed, but overall the story is captivating and that’s the more important part.

I picked up the game for PC since I wasn’t sure I wanted to play with a controller. These types of RPG games typically don’t appeal to me on console, I’d rather have mouse access to things like inventory and skills. I doubt I’ll get very far in multiplayer as that is something that has never really appealed to me, but it’s nice to know the option is there if I want it.

Did you pick up the game? What system did you get it for? What are you most looking forward to? Let me know in comments below! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Warlords, Dragons, and Sackboys, Oh my!


Like a lot of my friends lately, I have found myself (most often than not) logging into World of Warcraft since Warlords went live. While I typically enjoy new expansion releases, this one in particular has pulled me in with their combination of cinematics, quests, and of course garrisons. Each day I log in to complete any garrison missions that I have left running over night, and pick up all of my work orders. On my main my garrison buildings include:

  • T2 grand hall
  • T2 mine
  • T2 trading post
  • T1 fishing hut
  • T1 tailoring emporium
  • T1 enchanter’s study
  • T1 stables

I haven’t been in as much a rush to unlock things because I’ve been leveling up, but I do tend to get distracted by the shinies. I’ve picked up quite a few battle pets, worked on archeology (which is where one of my latest pets came from) and of course have been having a blast just wandering through each zone. One of the things that really appeals to me is just how much stuff is out there randomly in the world. Besides the bonus quests you can wander into, I love that there are clickies scattered about randomly. I never know what I’m going to stumble into, and I love that.

Of course it wouldn’t be enough just to have Warlords launch, two other games that are going to be taking my time include the latest Dragon Age, and of course – Little Big Planet 3. I can’t wait to start playing that on my PS4.

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, it’s great to be a gamer.