December 24, 2014

Easy Sweet and Sour Meatballs



These meatballs are fast and easy and absolutely delicious served with noodles or rice. You don’t have to be exact with the ingredients, so play around until you find a combination that suits your taste.


  • Ground beef (lean) and ground turkey mixed together
  • Kirkland no salt spice (or any other spices of your choosing)
  • A healthy dose of sriracha (to your taste, as spicy as you like)
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • fresh garlic minced up

Mix this all together and make into little ball shapes, then put on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven just until the balls are cooked on the outside, about 5-10 minutes or so at 350. When they’re done swap them into a deeper baking dish (like a casserole dish) and set aside.


  • 4 tablespoons ketchup
  • 2 tablespoons mustard
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seed oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

Mix all the sauce stuff together (until the brown sugar is dissolved) and then drizzle over the meatballs in the casserole dish. Let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour, and then bake at 350 until the sauce is bubbling and thick and the meatballs are cooked all the way through (about 30 minutes). Serve over your favourite rice (mine is basmati) or with noodles. Recipe can be adjusted any way you want. Bon appetite!

Lets slay a Forest Giant


I thought I had logged in too late to participate in the Forest Giant slaying on Xanadu but it turns out I was right on time. The creature had been holed up under ground and locked away from the public until it was go-time, so we spent a few minutes gathering, a few more minutes being added to the mine door, and then we went into the mine to take the creature down. There were over 90 of us in local chat, though not quite that many were actually attacking the creature. One of the main rewards you can get is blood which can be crafted into a potion and then applied to a tool. In this case the potion is for woodcutting, which is certainly one I will make use of.

There is also a ‘giantslayer’ title associated with killing the creature, so long as you get a hit. Unlike other unique killings that I have been to, people were very eager to help out and backed off of the mob to allow others in. This ensured that everyone who was there could get credit for the kill.

The only downside was that because this is Xanadu, I had quite a hike to get to the location. First I used the /suicide command to kill myself, and respawned at one of the starter towns. I choose Summerholt because it was the closest location. Then I used karma, and summoned my corpse to me. Finally I started out on foot to the location, but a short while in I crossed through some desert, and found a handful of horses grazing, so I used one of those to ride the rest of the way. Once the event was over I used more karma and gated home. I love being able to use karma to gate and summon my corpse, but it’s a pricey adventure and not something I can do with any frequency.

Still, I had a great time. I love the decision to make uniques not as ‘unique’ and now they respawn. This gives other players the chance to partake in some very epic battles.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!