Alts – They’re How I Relax

EQ2_000010I love alts. When I’m not in the mood to do anything on a main character, or when I’m frustrated with progression, those are the characters I turn to. They don’t always make it to the end game, but quite a few of them do because I love playing them so much. The screenshot above is my 2nd account, and Blesse is my latest alt to make it to level 95, a monk. I used to have a monk on my main account but I ended up deleting it for one reason or another. Probably so I could create another alt.. that’s the problem with limited character slots.

Monks are great. They can run around zones and just feign off the aggro, they can go shiny harvesting without too many issues, and they’re just plain fun to watch. Of course it can also be frustrating to get a character up to level 95 because if you want to be any ‘good’ you have to do their epic and then invest in a bunch of expert / master quality spells which can get very expensive very fast – but they’re still a lot of fun.

So what characters am I sitting with at the moment? Well on my main account I have:

  • 95 defiler / 95 tailor
  • 95 shadowknight / 95 sage
  • 95 inquisitor / 95 jeweler
  • 95 dirge / 95 alchemist
  • 95 coercer / 95 carpenter
  • 95 illusionist / 95 provisioner
  • 95 swashbuckler / 95 weaponsmith
  • 91 ranger / 95 armorer
  • 91 warden / 95 woodworker

And on the second account I have:

  • 95 Beastlord
  • 95 Monk
  • 95 Paladin
  • 95 Fury
  • 48 Coercer
  • 33 Channeler
  • 50 Necromancer

None of the characters on my second account craft, but that may change in time, I haven’t decided yet. I enjoy having at least one of every crafter (these days I think many people do) and I like being able to do the weekly / daily quests on them (the crafting ones). Do I like it enough to do it THAT many times? Not yet.

Keep in mind these are characters that I have made and leveled up over the course of 10 years (7 years for the 2nd account) so they’re not something that I just dove in head first this year to create. I’m a bit better in other games, but in EQ2 at least I have always had a lot of alts. I find it so relaxing when I just don’t want to deal with anyone (it has been one of those weeks, what can I say).

As always, happy gaming, no  matter where you find yourself!

What’s in store for EQ2

EQ2_000009SoE Live has come and gone for another year, and with it loads of announcements about their various games. Since Vanguard has now closed down, I was far less interested than previous years. It was like a constant reminder that my favourite game was gone. Ah well.

The next EverQuest 2 expansion is Altar of Malice. Eq2Wire has loads of information posted from SoE Live, so I’m going to go into incredible detail but I will mention the bits that interested me.

First, a new race is coming – but for those who thought this race would be included in the expansion, you would be wrong. They will be sold separately as a station cash purchase according to twitter comments. What is that race? Oh, well it’s the Aerakyn. Makes sense since the next expansion is going to focus around Lanys T’vyl.

Points that interested me

  • All access: Ability for members to use the broker anywhere in the game. Players with all access will also be able to receive mail from anywhere in the game. Some special spells and items may be limited to subscribers.
  • You’ll be able to sell shinies for status
  • New grandmaster spell upgrades, basically every spell will now have a grandmaster version. They’ll be researched and dropped (and I believe all access only).
  • They’re finally updating the deity system – yay!
  • Wardrobe system

The level cap is increasing to 100, and the expansion is due out November 11th (a holiday?) so in between now and then I’m working on getting a few more of my characters to 95/350 (the current cap) as well as crafting (though I already have all 9 crafters at 95). The event did also mention that crafters would be able to make some awesome gear in the expansion, so I’m looking forward to that.

What are you most looking forward to in Altar of Malice?

Games we wish we had more time for

Screenshot-40I wish there were more hours in a day, although I’m not exactly sure that I would spend it gaming (I could use a few more hours of sleep, or some other hobby of mine). That being said, lets pretend for a minute that we were going to use those hours for gaming. What game would you find yourself in? If you had absolutely no limits on money or time, where would you be adventuring?

I’m sure I would be playing the same games I play right now, but perhaps with a bit more variety, and change. Right now I tend to ‘binge’ on the games I enjoy, and rotate through them all. With a bit more time I may play more than just the small handful I enjoy currently each day. Specific games that I would love to make time for? Sure, I have those.

Sims 3 – my legacy family is feeling neglected. This is my go-to non-mmo game (typically) but since I’ve been filling that time lately with Tropico, I haven’t had time to play.

Everything in my steam library, but most notably:

  • Divinity: Original Sin
  • Skyrim
  • The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot
  • Civilization V
  • Starbound
  • Terraria
  • Tomb Raider

This doesn’t even begin to glance at the other MMOs that I would love to spend more time playing (Hearthstone, I’m looking at you, and Heroes of the Storm though I haven’t made my way into that beta yet). Guild Wars 2 is a game I’d like to step back into for more than a second, the Landmark and ArcheAge betas have been neglected as I wait for content and divide my time, and I have been contemplating trying DCUO just because I haven’t tried it before and why not when everyone has all-access if they’re subscribed to a single SOE game.

So. What games would you play if you had unlimited time and money?

The Wonders of Tropico 5

2014-08-16_00006After falling in love with Tropico 4, it was a great surprise when I was gifted Tropico 5 – and of course I love this version of the game just as much as the previous. It’s a bit more complex this time. I turned the settings down to the easiest ones but left disasters up because hey what’s the point without a little bit of adventure. I do prefer to play these types of games at a relaxed easy pace, and that’s exactly what I got.

I started by playing through campaigns again, and unlike the previous version this time I got to create a ruler who was head of her very own dynasty. Mid way through the first story line there was an illegitimate pregnancy that resulted in my dynasty growing a bit. The costumes are also much more amusing this round. I believe the head of my current dynasty is sporting a halo and wings along with a pacifier. The youngest member is garbed in steampunk clothing.

When I first started playing I was disgruntled with the fact that you can’t build everything you want right away. First you have to work your way through each ‘era’, like war and modern times. Despite these changes the basics are the same. Build up a city, watch it flourish or crash horribly. I’m having an absolute blast with the dynasty story line and the politics that happen. They along with the new trade and commerce options are hilarious. It’s also nice to be getting different ‘challenges’ now, the quests from 4 were repeating themselves quite frequently.

The first few campaigns had me starting on a new map, but now that I’m on the 3rd one, it has me back at my original city (exactly as I left it) which is pretty neat. In the screenshot above I was preparing my city before an invasion was about to hit. I may have over done it just a bit, their tanks didn’t last that long.

All in all, it was a great afternoon spent gaming. Congratulations to those by the way who managed to take advantage of the steam sale where Tropico 4 was only 39 cents.. I see they corrected the issue later on in the day, and I hope a few people made the purchase! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

10 years, 10 questions


Area 52 (horde side) was packed tonight, it was awesome to see. 

All the cool kids are doing it, so I decided I would also partake in the “10 years, 10 questions” phenomenon that is ongoing due to the impending anniversary of World of Warcraft, though it does make me feel pretty old.

1. Why did you start playing World of Warcraft

I don’t know that I really have a ‘why’. My partner at the time and I had been playing EverQuest, and I had no real plans of adding another MMO to the list, but there it was. We also played EverQuest 2 together, although that game took me far longer to get interested in because I was so deeply vested in the first version. At the time I was still pretty new to MMOs in general, having played nothing but MUDS until then.

2. What was the first character you ever rolled

I don’t remember what class it was, but I do remember it was a troll. Why I decided to go with that race I have no idea, something about liking their hair I think. I started out as horde, eventually swapped over to alliance, and now play both.

3. Which factors determined your faction choice in game?

Pretty sure we had friends who were playing horde, though I never did meet up with them in game…

4. What has been your most memorable moment in Warcraft and why?

I don’t actually have one. I know, how sad is that, right? A game I’ve been playing for 10 years now and I don’t have a memorable moment.. thing is, I never formed a community in WoW, I never did any “real” raiding besides PUGs. For me, those moments really come from playing with friends, and sadly enough I just never really made any. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy the game, I did and I do, but my “memorable moments” are things like, earning 400 pets, and things like that.

5. What is your favorite aspect of the game, and has this always been the case

Pet battles, by far. It hasn’t always been the case because they’re still pretty new. Before that it was LFRaid, and I know that people could go either way on that but it gave people like me a chance to experience content that I wouldn’t even get to see otherwise. Before THAT it would have to be the humour of the game, and yes, that has always been the case.

6. Do you have an area in game that you always return to?

Pretty much all of the old dungeons. I have no reason for it, there’s no gear upgrades there and my characters have long since out leveled them but I absolutely love doing old content.

7. How long have you /played and has that been continuous?

I have played off and on since release, but not continuously. I tend to get bored or move on to another game when I run out of things to do. My last break was about a year ago, and I haven’t run out of things yet. With the expansion on the horizon it looks like I’ll be here for a while longer at least.

8. Admit it: Do you read quest text or not?

First time through, yes I read it. Though I admit I am much more likely to enjoy a cinematic.

9. Are there any regrets from your time in game?

Not finding a proper community, as I mentioned above. I really think that having a group of “friends” to play with would have made a difference for me. Now I think it’s too late, there’s no real reason to meet up with people, and I wouldn’t even know where to start.

10. What effect has Warcraft had on your life outside of gaming?

I think playing Warcraft has made me a bit more tolerant. I know, that’s a strange thing to say. I have heard so many people coming down on those who play a particular game, judging them and thinking they are some how less ‘good’ because of their video game choices. None of that is true. Playing multiple MMOs in general has made me more accepting of the fact that we all have different interests, and none of that has any baring on what type of a person we are.


Feel free to answer the questions yourself! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.