Weekend Fun with Guildmates

UntitledLast night all four of us were online and looking for something to do, so we decided to get old achievements for raids that we had never done before. This took us to ICC, where we took down the Lich King for the first time ever (and obtained shiny new titles). I’m still working on collecting secrets for my cloak, so far the raids have been stingy and I only have 8 of them out of 20.

I’ve been collecting appearance gear for my little priest too but I’m having a hard time finding things that are not robe graphics. I’d like a vest and pants, so we’ll see what I end up with. I also got a few really neat weapons and off hand appearance items.

A short post today, it’s a long weekend here in Canada, I hope everyone enjoys it! As always happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Lets Go for a Ride


Yesterday in ArcheAge I decided to just work through some quest chains and adventure a bit. I haven’t figured out how crafting works exactly yet, or how to set up my very own little farm or house, but since this is alpha, I’m not too concerned. Everything I do right now is going to get wiped, so I’m using this as a learning experience.

I ended up questing to this little mining hub, and noticed there were mine carts travelling the rails. Technically I could have  walked up those rails to reach the top (aside from the very last one, the incline was too much) but it was way more fun to hop into the carts and travel the rails while riding my mount. The quests are still very much themepark-esc, go here, kill this, return it, interact with some cogs and report back, but there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ to do that lets me branch off a bit when I feel like exploring.

I turned chat channels back on last night to see if I could pick up any useful information from the players, and immediately regretted it and turned it back off. Normally I enjoy listening to the chit chat of players in new games because no matter how ‘bad’ the chat gets, there are little nuggets of wisdom tucked away.

For others who are playing ArcheAge, a few friends have also set up a public “Tips & Tricks” page on Anook. If you have any tips & tricks that you would like to share with everyone please don’t hesitate to head over and post!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Lets Open a Bakery

Screenshot-19The Sims 3 is still one of my favourite games, and I am incredibly excited about Sims 4 releasing this year (hopefully). I was browsing through their online store yesterday and happened to notice a new special venue for sale, a bakery. It came with a building, some special ovens, and the ability to set up a bakery from your home, or to purchase the bakery property in town and set up shop there. There are a few issues if you try to set up your home as a bakery, like the fact that no one will come to the shop unless you’re having a party, or you mod it a bit to allow visitors on the property. I haven’t been playing with mods yet since I reinstalled, so for now I just have it available when I throw parties. A little extra money is always nice.

I did also hire a cashier just to test it out which was pretty neat.

So how is my legacy sim doing? Well. She hasn’t found a husband yet which is sad because the whole point of a legacy family is to grow through 10 generations. So far she has a cat, a dog, used to own a bird (I sold it to afford the new bakery) and is quite happy surrounding herself with animals. They’re better than people, that’s what her thoughts on that matter are! Her kitten, Sugar, is about to turn into an adult, and she adopted Tiffany, an adult collie. For now she still works at the fortune teller’s wagon in town, but I hope to move that business to the home eventually, where she can run her fortune telling business AND a bakery. I have plans of purchasing the bakery building one day, and running it as a family business but those dreams are far into the future.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Back to Banished

2014-05-08_00008With my PC up and running, I was eager to get into gaming again. I was sad that I had to start over with the sims 3, but I was even more sad that I had to start over with Banished because I had a town that was finally doing well. I made it to year 10 or so and no one was dying from the plague (yet).

So I started a new town. This one has sheep (neat). My previous towns only had chickens or cows, I didn’t even know sheep were an option. I started out by building a giant pen for the sheep, and then a farm for potatoes. A mine was constructed in the mountains, a gatherer’s hut, along with some hunting shacks. Next came a school and hospital. My town is pretty far away from water, so I don’t think I will build any fishing yet until it grows and I have houses out that way.

Still, it was fun to see the village expand. I know others are still put off by the fact that the game is quite easy to “win” but I think that depends on your definition of winning. For me the fun comes from building and expanding. Even if nothing “new” ever happens, I can play for hours. Plus I don’t have all of the buildings up yet, that will come with time.

The game is very relaxing and perfect to play on my days off. I’m really glad to be getting back to normal in my daily routine and that includes playing games, of course.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

P.S. I have far too many games on my plate these days, and it’s fantastic. I’m playing WildStar, ArcheAge, and Landmark, and that doesn’t even include the single player Steam games I have been playing.

How Does your Garden Grow?

ScreenShot0048I am now level 12, and getting into the finer details of ArcheAge, which is great. I have learned the basics of combat, using my mount, become familiar with my skills, and now it’s time to get into some crafting and gardening. The tutorials explained everything pretty easily. There are a few ways players can plant in the world. One, you can plant in the public. Problem with this is that of course anyone can by and steal what you have planted. Especially true in PVP areas. Still, if you don’t feel like paying taxes on a plot of land in a housing area, you may want to try this. Then there are public garden areas (like the one pictured above). This let me plant 10 items (from a list of items that were accepted) for 24 hours before the items would then become public. I found some potatoes someone had forgotten about this way, and quickly harvested them myself. The garden was filled with all manor of thing, chickens, potato, onions, strawberries, etc. It was cute.

It is also where you go to learn about gardening. You plant some potatoes and harvest them, then deliver them to an NPC. See, some themepark in your sandbox while the game explains the basics to you. Again I appreciate these tutorials because I know it won’t be long before I’m out on my own.

Finally at the end of planting you receive a scarecrow. This is how you claim areas as “yours”. I haven’t bothered to use mine yet as the area I was in was pretty crowded, but it will ensure that anything you plant within the space is marked as yours so that others can’t wander by and steal it. Planting comes with timers, each crop or item takes time to grow. The potatoes were very fast, other things have much longer timers.

I also got into a bit of craft and harvesting. Harvesting is pretty straight forward. I didn’t need any fancy tools or any of that nonsense, which I appreciate. You spend labour points for each crafting action. Every player (well, at my level at least) has 1000 labour points. I smelted some iron into ingots, and noticed a lot of recipes for sale by various NPC standing around the crafting stations. Crafting takes time, something I’m not used to – lets face it I’ve been spoiled by instant clicking everything and having it magically appear in my inventory. My best harvesting came from wandering along the “edges” of mountain ranges. In the trees and against rocks. I found lots of iron, a handful of trees, mushrooms, and some clover. Each item is (thankfully) labelled so I know what craft it is for. There are a LOT of items.

I’m also going to start looking for a guild to join. Hopefully I can find one without too much issue. I would prefer to focus on the crafting / harvesting aspect of the game full time with brief meanderings into PVP and combat. If I can find a guild that welcomes crafters and protects them while I craft useful things for them, that would be ideal.

I’m hoping to get into more crafting and some housing next, but we’ll see how that goes. I’m still not familiar with housing zones or how they work or how you actually place / build a home, but so far everything has been explained in a pretty clear way.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!