That’s a Hardcore Mount

UntitledI divided time between WoW and ArcheAge yesterday, with plans of playing WildStar but no real interest while it’s still in beta. For some reason I want to learn all I can about ArcheAge, but I would rather wait for release for WildStar (perhaps because it’s coming up fairly soon where as ArcheAge remains a mystery).

My character made it to level 10, and was introduced to the mount system. Along the way I also discovered some other neat systems.

Take quests for example. You have the option to over achieve on quests if you want, and you will be rewarded extra experience. On that same note, if you’re in a rush and don’t feel like completing a quest, you can under achieve. Don’t meet all of the goals and you can still turn the quest in but you’ll receive less experience – though you will still get the reward. This is a great feature that I’ve never really seen before (though WildStar does have bonus objectives to their quests).

Mounts in ArcheAge are living creatures. They gain experience. They can die. You can get gear for them, name them, feed them, and when obtaining one you need to take care of it. In fact I got the notification above on my first mount – if I didn’t take care of my mount within 60 minutes after release, it might die.

Really? My MOUNT could DIE?! That thought just boggled my mind. Talk about hardcore.

So I took my little baby mount, and a seed, and spread them both out on a bit of lawn. Then I waited. I danced with the little critter, played with it, gave it water, groomed it, and all other manor of love. Eventually the little guy grew into a fantastic beast that I can ride around on – or who follows me around, depending on my mood.

Enjoying the game so far? Yes, yes I am.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

ArcheAge? Don’t Mind if I Do


Practically everyone I know decided to buy Elder Scrolls Online, and I decided to sit it out. I knew it wasn’t my type of game, I didn’t even make it through Skyrim, and if I really crave that sort of game.. well, I’ll play Skyrim. I lived vicariously through their posts and streams, looking at screenshots and debating with myself whether I would play the game or not. Thing is I had access to the alpha and didn’t log in once. I mean, why pay to play the game when I couldn’t even be bothered to play it for free.

When ArcheAge started getting a bit of publicity through Trion, it piqued my interest right away. I actually signed up for the game ages ago, before Trion ever got involved. I’m a huge fan of sandboxes, after all I have been playing Wurm Online fairly steadily for almost three years now. The thing is, Wurm Online is not a AAA title, and while I adore it (I truly do) I find it hard to justify the monthly cost. You can’t “do it all” in Wurm Online on one character. You don’t get an account, either. You pay per character. For me to “do it all” I have four characters, at $22 CAN each, every two months. That doesn’t include the cost of my deeds, either. That is just to be premium. A lot of people play Wurm Online because of the amazing terraforming players can do – but – that has never been my appeal for the game. I actually prefer to purchase finished deeds so I can avoid terraforming. ArcheAge doesn’t have terraforming (that I’m aware of) but it does have customization and player created content from every which way. It is also an open world, has navel (yes, leaving this spelling in there, but I did mean naval!) battles, a huge amount of crafting, and a commerce system that will rely on players, much like it does in EVE Online (another favourite game of mine).

Knowing that, and after watching a few videos, I decided to purchase their founders pack. I know, they’re expensive. I wanted in the alpha, and the items the pack came with appealed to me enough to take the plunge. That’s 90 days of subscription time, access to alpha & beta events when they occur, in game potions, a mount, gear, a title, some currency, and I’m not sure if there’s anything else, there probably is.

Right now I’m level 6, and I already know it will be a game I play for quite some time. It DOES start out as a themepark, but don’t let this deter you. One complaint I see all of the time about EVE Online is the learning curve. In ArcheAge they work very hard to make sure that learning curve is something you can overcome. For now, yes, I am killing 10 rats and collecting plants and playing errand girl for various NPC while I learn the basics of the game (crafting, combat, etc) BUT eventually (from what I have heard) that stuff leaves off, and you’ll be on your own in the world.

I have watched a few videos that talk about the player customization. You can upload images to a folder in-game, and use those images as ‘stamps’ on virtually anything. House items, houses (walls), boats, gear. All customized with your images that you have uploaded. A guild emblem, a trader icon, want to be a pirate and have everyone fear your logo? You can. Want to “paint” your house with a stamped image, that you can adjust and rotate and change the placement of? Go ahead.

The graphics are amazing. It IS still in the middle of being translated to English since the game is Korean, and there are some differences between the Korean and English versions of the game, but the basics are all still the same. I’m excited about this game in a way that I haven’t been for the past few releases I have seen. I have been waiting a long time for a AAA sandbox, and I can’t wait to explore this one further. Expect lots of posts over the next while!

What are your thoughts so far of ArcheAge? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

It’s all about Rat Anus

2014-05-01_00004I know, the title is a little bit misleading, after all there’s only been one incident of rat anus mentioned in The Banner Saga so far, but it caught my attention right away so of course I had to write about it.

I was gifted this game some time ago from a good friend of mine (thank you again!) but I had not gotten around to actually playing it. That’s the way it goes with nomadic gaming, I flounder about where ever my attention takes me. Anyway, since I have a clean PC with no games I decided it was time to fix that and eagerly browsed through my steam list.

The Banner Saga is a turn based tactics game, rich in story and details. The art style appealed to me right from the get-go, and I love the choices your characters are able to make throughout. You don’t just play a single character, either. You play whatever the story dictates, as you’re introduced to characters.

I did turn the difficulty down to easy because I wanted to focus more on the story than I wanted to on actual game play, but that was just me.

Live through an epic role-playing Viking saga where your strategic choices directly affect your personal journey. Make allies as you travel with your caravan across this stunning yet harsh landscape. Carefully choose those who will help fight a new threat that jeopardizes an entire civilization.

I only played an hour or two into the game so far, but the art style is really what made me fall in love with it. There are cut scenes, load screens, and game play that just scream out to me with details. I think this is one of those games where watching someone else play would be just as entertaining to me as playing myself.

Of course, your mileage may vary. Have you picked up the game? What did you think? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Holding me Back from my Legendary


The ONE thing holding me back from getting my legendary cloak is the fact that there are two PVP components to the quest. You need to win a single fight in two 10vs10 PVP arenas. The first one was pretty easy. There are four orbs, you capture an orb and hold onto it. Hang out in the middle of the zone and your team earns more points. While being blasted of course because you’re carrying an orb. This arena only took two tries before my alliance side got a win.

The second arena is more complex. You’re in a mine, and three carts spawn and travel along rails. Hang out in a giant circle around the cart and it will be “claimed” for your side. The object is to walk alongside the cart while it moves towards its destination, and keep the cart on your side. Of course the opposing faction will come along and kill you and claim the cart for their side. As the carts reach their destination you earn points, as well as earning points for kills. Alliance has come close a couple of times but I have yet to win a single match. I have played through approximately 10 matches so far. I know these two arena matches are filled with others trying to get their cloaks too, but I sure would like a win so that I can move on from this step. I’m not fond of a PVE quest requiring PVP components, and vice versa. Some players just don’t like PVP. Now, I am not one of those people, I actually DO enjoy PVP quite a bit, but I dislike being forced into a specific battle, especially since if you queue for specifics you miss out on a lot of rewards.

I am hoping I have some luck today after work and I finally get my win. After this it is back to collecting trillium and raid drops. I think it would be fantastic to get my cloak before the next expansion comes out – although with the way PVP is going lately, I won’t hold my breath.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s Fixed! It’s Finally Fixed!


One of the downsides to moving across the country was that I had to ship my PC, and lets just say that it didn’t handle the move too well. What I thought at first was a video card issue, turned out to be a power supply issue. Of course by then I had already purchased a new video card that was better than my old one, so why not keep it. I ended up getting the MSI R9 270 Gaming 2GB 26-Bit GDDR5 HDCP ready CrossFireX Support Video Card and then a brand new 850 watt power supply (replacing my broken 750). Unfortunately because of a bad crash (due to that power supply issue) I had to reinstall windows, and I lost everything on my main hard drive. On the plus side, I kept backups of all my photography and important documents, so the only thing I “lost” was video games and other odds and ends like skype, irfanview, etc. After a lot of downloading and installing, things are FINALLY running again.

Oh man do they run.

I did not bring my two monitors with me, so I had to purchase two new ones. My old ones were 22″ and the new are 24″ acer monitors, two of the exact same ones which is nice since my old ones were different brands and the colours between the two were different and bugged me. I also picked up a new keyboard, which is the exact same as my old one a G510s.

Two new monitors, a new keyboard, a new power supply, and a new video card later, as well as a month gone by (I haven’t had my PC since April 7th) and things are FINALLY working properly. My PC has been my “comfort” for years now, it is a way I connect to the rest of the world, a way for me to relax and zone out, and not having it around while I undertook a gigantic cross-country move was incredibly difficult for me.

It is nice to be back in game.