Two Gaming Blogs I Envy

09-11-14_3-29 PM

Blame it on the cold weather, or the fact that the year is almost over, or the recent turmoil in my day-to-day life. Whatever the reason, I’m nostalgic and thinking about life. Every morning I wake up and go through my RSS feed, which I sporadically check throughout the day depending on my downtime. There are a handful of blogs I read that I really envy (in a good way, I’m not talking about some jealousy thing here. I mean I respect them, their writing styles, and subjects), and I wanted to share those blogs here and maybe encourage some others to read them too. I’m going to start with just two of them today.

First up, I have Touched the Sky – by Rowan Blaze. Every single day I read Rowan’s blog and it just makes me smile. There’s one main reason. He writes about gaming with his significant other and I miss that (no, I don’t mean I miss gaming with his significant other.. silly). I miss the closeness of having someone to game with like that. As time goes on I typically get frustrated gaming with someone else because people are so different. No one games quite like me. Who else wants to spend a few hours organizing their inventory, for example. I love the way he describes playing Rift, and starting new characters together in his latest post. His posts are filled with “we” and “us instead of “I” and “me” and it’s something I envy in the purest of ways.

Next up, Stylish Corpse – by Ysharros. I’ve been following this blog for years now, and while it may not always be updated, when it is, I can’t help but nod along as I read. Her latest series on a Sims 4 legacy family is something I look forward to almost every single day now. Sure, it might have something to do with the fact that I’m probably one of the biggest Sims fans out there, but the style of writing and the humour I find in her posts just comforts me. It’s nice to know that there are people out there with similar thought processes. Shame we all live so far away from one another!

Just like I take pleasure in the fact that there are so many different games out there that can appeal to so many types of gamers, I also appreciate the fact that there are so many people writing about them, and each one has a unique style and flavour.

If you haven’t checked out the blogs mentioned above, get to it! Hopefully you’ll love them as much as I do. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Organization? Everywhere


In my day-to-day life, I am one of those people who like to organize everything. I openly admit, I love to clean. I love lists. I have notebooks and post it notes and calendars and organizers all over the place. This carries over into my gaming habits quite easily. I constantly clean out my inventory, arrange my bank space, and organize containers. Of course in a game like minecraft where there are just SO many things, it’s almost a dream come true.

I spent a good deal of time yesterday organizing things. Adding labels to containers, putting everything in its place. I know that may not seem very exciting, after all I wasn’t slaying creatures or exploring dungeons, but it gave me a strange sense of inner peace (on a day where I really needed it after the horrific events that unfolded in downtown Ottawa).

I’m still learning my way around mods. I think I want to learn some enchanting, and I certainly need to upgrade my tools – I have to make a tool forge, something I had been neglecting because I thought I needed 4 iron blocks. Iron is sacred as I seem to use it for everything. Turns out the blocks don’t have to be iron, I can use a number of metals including copper which I have in abundance. Once I have a tool forge created I’ll go looking for gold so that I can make more castings, and from there, more tools.

Exciting times!

Do You Want to Kill a Dragon?


When Paul asked if I wanted to go kill Ender Dragon along with Joel and DD of course I said yes! I had never seen a dragon in Minecraft before and this would be a one time server event, so I was incredibly excited. We set out in the form of blaze so that we could fly (and have lava immunity) and after a short walk through some dungeons and portals we were facing the dragon.

DD took care of the healing crystals with her bow (the rest of us forgot to bring one, doh) while the rest of us chased the dragon and attacked it. We made short work of the dragon and for once no one died (yay). It was awesome. A few purple explosions lit up the sky once the dragon was slain and experience dropped to the ground around the fountain that spawned (along with a dragon egg).

Events like these always make me smile, especially if I can go along with friends.

With the dragon dead, we had an 8 minute cut scene to enjoy and then were ported back to our homes. I haven’t decided what I’m doing next with mine but I think it involves replacing the entire stone building I created with decorative blocks, and building up a proper farm (both animal and crops). I also want to expand my mine – there are all sorts of tunnels under my castle that I blocked off for now until I had some time to explore them.

All in all, it was a pretty productive time in game! Can’t wait to see where my adventures lead me next.

Preparing for Extra-Life


It’s less than a week until I go live playing 24 games in 24 hours for extra-life. Raising money for sick kids in need is something that a lot of my gamer friends will be doing over the next few weeks, and I know it’s a busy time for everyone, so thank you all for the wonderful support. If you’re looking to donate, you can find my profile here. Otherwise, why not watch my twitch stream on October 25th and help motivate me to stay awake! You can find my schedule below. Times are in PDT and the games are of course subject to change based on my whims.

08:00 – 09:00 Banished
09:00 – 10:00 Endless Legend
10:00 – 11:00 Divinity: Original Sin
11:00 – 12:00 Fable Anniversary
12:00 – 13:00 Minecraft
13:00 – 14:00   Date Warp
14:00-15:00   ArcheAge
15:00 – 16:00   Hearthstone
16:00 – 17:00 Magical Diary, Long Live the Queen, Heileen 1, Flower Shop: Winter in Fairbrook
17:00 – 18:00 Landmark
18:00 – 19:00 Goat simulator
19:00 – 20:00 Tropico 5
20:00 – 21:00  Wurm Online
21:00 – 22:00 The Sims 4
22:00 – 23:00 EverQuest 2
23:00 – 24:00 World of Warcraft
24:00 – 01:00 Clockwork Empires
01:00 – 02:00 Orcs Must Die!
02:00 – 03:00 Civilization V
03:00 – 04:00 WildStar
04:00 – 05:00 Diablo III
05:00 – 06:00 The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot
06:00 – 07:00 Cook, Serve, Delicious
07:00 – 08:00 Botanicula

Decorating? Really?


There’s a reason I love sandbox gaming, and it is all about the creativity and relaxation I find in creating. This weekend I learned a little bit more about the mods that are currently active on the minecraft server I’m playing on. There are 184 of them. That’s a lot of mods. Not all of them will affect me in game, but I’m slowly learning those that do. Some are still too complex and I have no idea what I’m doing but I’ll get there.

The ones I worked with this weekend were BibloCraft which is quickly becoming a favourite of mine because of the flavour it adds to the game, along with Chisel which also adds some incredible customization. Finally I also started exploring Forestry, which adds things like bee keeping. In the end I ended up “doing” very little in game, but I did get a pretty good grasp on the numerous ways I can customize my place, which I am completely tickled about as you can tell by the screenshot above. I created the tablecloth for the table, along with the chair, a backing for the chair, and then dyed it to match the rest of the room. I also used carpenter’s blocks to create a facade around my entrance, and then used chisel to turn the stones into some pretty decorative pieces. After all that was done I decided my house needed the beginnings of a map, and started the first one along with some potion racks (empty for now), and armour racks for flair.

My home may not be running on power, and I don’t have any automatic farming gizmos or industrial do-dads set up, but it suits me as I slowly learn my way through all of these awesome mods. Eventually I would love to create a better farm, both for crops and animals, and have them automated. It’s nice to automate the ‘mundane’ aspects of the game (farming for supplies, in other words) so that you can spend your time doing the “fun” things.

Speaking of fun, I want to get out and do more exploring too. So far I have spent most of my time in the winter biome that surrounds my home (fitting for a canuck, no?) but there’s some forest close by and some other fun places that I have been itching to do some adventuring in. So long as I stay away from the lava. A work mate went out yesterday and apparently got herself lost in some lava. Needless to say it didn’t end up too well.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!