
If like me, you were sad to see that PetBattle Teams was no longer working after 6.1 deployed yesterday (and this is an AddOn that I highly recommend if you’re into pet battles at all) you can find a fix here:

To fix this for 6.1:

1. Open Interface\AddOns\PetBattleTeams\modules\GUI\GUI.lua
2. Search and replace (ctrl+f or search/replace with your text editor) every “Blizzard_PetJournal” with “Blizzard_Collections”

There are 5 of them in the file.  Make sure “Blizzard_Collections” is capitalized like that and that the _ is an underscore and not a hyphen.

6 thoughts on “How to Fix PetBattle Teams for 6.1”
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I’m not computer savvy at all but your instructions are clear and fool-proof. Changing those 5 strings has fixed the addon completely :)

  2. As Bill and Ted once said, “Exxxcellllent!”
    Easy patch for anyone who has ever edited a file with Textedit or whatever. After replacing all five of the “Blizzard_PetJournal” strings PetBattleTeams then works well at 6.1

    Thanks for filling in for the add-on author, who has apparently gotten lost in his Garrison (happens to me too).
    Many Thanks!

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