2015-03-25_22.04.42I’ve swapped over to a new minecraft mod, this time it’s Infinity on feed the beast. This mod is a combination of everything I was already using on The Dark Trilogy, with some extras. A lot of extras. One of those mods is called ‘decocraft’ and it’s basically just a huge selection of decorations. They’re made out of special coloured clay, red, green, and blue. You arrange the clay in patterns and out pops awesome decorations. Things like Christmas trees, presents, stuffed animals, that barrel of carrots posted above, I have an entire playground created with the stuff. It’s really quite awesome.

The twilight portal has been set up but so far I haven’t ventured in to see where it takes me. I also haven’t created a portal over to the nether yet. There has been so much to do right here – including getting started with bees. That required me to construct a few apiary, and those are not an easy task for someone playing in survival mode! In fact almost nothing I’ve been crafting has been ‘easy’. I have no idea how people manage to play making use of these mods if they’re in survival mode.

I’m having an awesome time though, and that’s good. The mod leans towards long-term play, which is perfect for someone who wants to stick with just one mod for a while and try to experience everything they can.

I tried my hand at tree grafting, too, but so far I haven’t had any luck with it. I had bees trying to pollinate but none of the leaves were discoloured or mutated (that I could see at least). I’ve tried looking for some tutorials but most of them are .. well. Not enjoyable to watch. If anyone has seen a really good one out there, please let me know!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


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