April 2015

A Second Deed in Wurm Online (again)

wurm.20150405.1531My main deed is pretty much completed these days, with only 1 building and some fencing still needed along the upper most tier. I recently downsized two sides to free up a bit of the monthly upkeep I was paying, and to allow me a bit of freedom in creating a second deed with my alt. I decided to re-subscribe with Blesse, and I’ll probably be making her a Vynora priest once I get enough faith. Right now I’m hovering around 22, and I need to reach 30 in order to have another priest change me into one.

The second deed is nothing fancy, just a mining outpost along an enormous mountain side. My own mine is quite small, as my deed didn’t extend that far into it. Plus I just like having a little outpost to hang out at. I’ve designed a small 2×2 home with a 2×2 pen attached to it for my horses. I brought two horses over from my main deed, along with a handful of supplies like nails and barrels so that I didn’t have to create things quite from scratch. Still don’t have a hunting lodge, but honestly I haven’t seen that many areas on Xanadu that actually have any creatures. Makes things a bit difficult. I don’t know if they’re just bunched up together on some sections of the map or if other hunters are coming out and clearing everything. Either way, it make for some pretty barren lands.

Now that the deed is mostly completed, and the second deed is under way, that gives me time to work on some skills. I’d like to continue leveling my weapon smithing, but I’ll have to find something on Netflix to watch as that is probably one of the most tedious skills I’ve ever attempted to level. Besides that I’d like to continue working up my JC, and maybe branch more into HFC (hot food cooking). That of course requires me to actually work my farm, for vegetables, and maybe even fishing since meat has become scarce. Or I could take a wagon and go on a massive hunting trip. Either way, I’m never short on things to do.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Developer Appreciation Week – WildStar #WildStar

loppYou may not have heard of the Developer Appreciation Week that is going on right now, but here and there throughout the week you’ll see posts from bloggers talking about it.

Now, let me mention right here that I’m obviously biased but I’ve been a gamer for many many years now,  and while working for them I have developed an enormous amount of respect for what they do and how they handle things.

Our developer team includes such well-known forum goers as Tranagram, Meerkat, Timetravel, Caydiem, Moja, and a whole lot of others that I can’t even name. All of these people work together to create an entire living world that we lucky players get to participate in.

It’s not easy. If anything I’ve learned over the years that this fine balancing act of giving players what they want, what is best for the game, what can be done with the time and funds available, and every other factor that comes into it is probably one of the most difficult things to do. They need to be able to look at an issue from many different sides and then choose the best course of action.

If anything working so closely with these different teams has given me a better understanding of what it is they have to handle on a daily basis and for that I give them my DAW for the week.

Don’t forget to show a little developer love on your own blog this week. Lets face it, sometimes we can be pretty demanding. We should be able to take a little time aside to remind everyone that even when we’re screaming about the latest issue we’re having with our favourite games, we do still appreciate everyone who works on making them the best games they can be.

Nomadic Gamer