June 1, 2015

Cities: Skylines Gets Some New Content (YAY)


On the 19th of May, Paradox Interactive added patch 1.1.0 to Cities: Skylines and with it came European buildings, and tunnels. Of course that wasn’t all they added. The whole list is below:

  • New: European theme added
  • New: 72 European buildings in the European theme
  • New: Support for corner and adjacent buildings in the European theme
  • New: 3 maps added with European theme (Cliffside Bay, Foggy Hills and Grand River)
  • New: Tunnels for roads and rail added
  • New: Metro tunnels can be built at different levels
  • Options: V sync option added
  • Options: Invert Y mouse axis added

The downside to these awesome things is that to access the new buildings you’ll have to start on a new map, that includes a new biome called ‘European’ from the start menu. There are three maps to choose from, and they’re pretty nice. They also fixed a bunch of bugs (though I noticed my traffic still likes to disappear into the ground if there are any hills around) and of course made some changes for the editing / mod community. If you happen to use mods you’ll want to disable them for a bit to make sure there are no conflicts. A lot of mods won’t work with 1.1.0 so they’ll need updates.

The best part about the update was of course that it’s free for everyone who owns the game, and the price for the base game is very reasonable for the incredible game you get. Just check out the ‘overwhelmingly positive‘ reviews over on steam, with over 11,882 reviews and counting.

Of course first thing I did was go to one of the new maps and then promptly forget everything I had learned about creating a city previously. You can’t just start out with a city that stretches the entire plot of land you have, that’s a sure way to quickly run out of funds (which I did), so I started over. The second time I started at a smaller pace, but I still made some mistakes that caused me to run out of money and go take out a loan (or two) once I had a population of over 750. This game really is a nice relaxing gem, and I can’t wait to see what other things they add in the future. I haven’t played around with mods or re-skins yet, but I’m hoping to get into that eventually. If you haven’t picked the game up yet, I highly recommend it.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!